Simple Yet Astonishing Synchronicities ( My True Account )

So, the other day I had quite the day! I want to share with you all, two synchronistic events, that had happened in the same day. They were extremely profound when I actually acknowledged them, waking up from a dream-like state and jotting them down. Big note right here.... JOURNAL your EVERYTHING! It is SO worth it! I've noticed one important thing too. What you think about REALLY and I mean REALLY shapes your future. So that being said, never EVER go to bed angry, upset, etc.... Go to bed thinking of the endless possibilities that are coming! What will you create for YOUR tomorrow? I will type this out in the EXACT same manner, as it is in my Journal.
I had two strange occurrences today. The first, I was thinking what my family doctor would think of my spiritualist practices, if I were to tell her. I go in for my 6 month check-up, sit down, she asks " What's your faith?" Very nicely, noting that she didn't want to push beliefs on me. She told me to pray or " do what I do " to help/ in conjunction with my medications, to help with my mental stress. Very sweet of her! How could have she known that I was thinking this sort of idea, the night before? She is so cute pregnant, btw!
Second, I was mowing the lawn, a very mundane task, yes? My grandparents show up ALL around me while I was mowing. They gave me guidance, love and encouragement, to keep going. ( These were the two days I had not used the Ouija to communicate with them, I did feel bad ). Reminding me of how both/all worlds/realms co-exist. It felt like the spiritual worlds were bleeding into this reality. Crazy what synchronicities come! I have my guides/spirits REGARDLESS of the Ouija.
So, yes, all that does seem very VERY mundane! When you take a minute to look back at what you've actually thought about the day PRIOR to something happening like this, seeing it in your journal, going back and reminiscing your thoughts, it's incredible! You HONESTLY do create your own reality. The possibilities now, truly ARE endless!