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La Santisima Muerte Breakup Spell

This spell is used to split two people up! Always be safe in your love workings and your breaking people up workings. The items you need are listed below:

1 fresh lemon

Bat Blood Oil

Black Pepper

1 rusty nail

Cayenne Pepper

9 black taper candles

9 black dressmakers pins ( the ones with the colored balls atop )

1 yard of black fabric

black yarn

Dirty paper ( go out and rub it in the dirt if you have to )

Black ink pen

6 Aspirin tablets

glass jar with a lid

white vinegar


Dress the nine candles with the bat blood oil and the black pepper. Rip two small pieces f the dirty paper. You want rough edges on the paper that's why you rip it instead of cutting it. In black ink, write the females name 9 times on one piece of the dirty paper and write the name of the male 9 times on the other piece of dirty paper. Write the names as small as you can and rip the paper around the names so that you can get the paper a small size.

You will light one candle every day for 9 days but you dress them all at once. Light one of the black candles. Cut the lemon in half. Pick up one half of the lemon and insert one of the name papers into one half of the lemon and the other name paper into the other half of the lemon. Push and manipulate the paper until it's inside the lemon and say..

" I baptize you as ( Females Name ) before the powerful image of Santa Muerte. From now on you will be known as ( females name ).

Repeat this baptism with the other half of the lemon for the mans name.

Now with the females half of the lemon insert 3 aspirins into the pulp. As you do that say...

( Females Name ), your relationship with ( mans name ) will sour, by the power of Santa Muerte. Every time you are in his presence a repulsive sour taste will come into your mouth. "

Repeat this process with the mans half of the lemon. This time say....

" ( Man's name ), your relationship with ( females name ) will sour, by the power of Santa Muerte. Every time you are in her presence a repulsive sour taste will come into your mouth. "

Over each half of the lemon skin mark an invisible X across the skin of the lemon using the thumb of your dominate hand and say:

" I curse you and command you to break and end your relationship now, by the powerful scythe of Santa Muerte. "

Do this with both lemon halves.

Sprinkle each lemon half with cayenne pepper on all sides and say:

" I curse you and command you break this relationship "

Put the two lemon halves back together with the rusty nail between them. And put the lemon back together with the pins, the pins should hold it together. As you insert the pins, curse the couple nine times by saying:

" If you do not obey my command to breakup this relationship at once you will suffer in the fires of hell for eternity. "

Then wrap the lemon in the black fabric and begin to bind it with the black yarn. As you wrap the lemon, tie the yarn in nine knots and place the lemon near the candle. For the next eight days repeat the curse you put on the couple. The one that states you'll burn in the fires of hell and tell them both that the only way to end their bad luck is to break up.

Each night place the remaining candle wax and any other remains of the ritual in a jar. After nine days, cut off the yarn and fabric from the lemon. Remove the nine pins and separate the lemon and bury the man's half of the lemon in the backyard where the sun does not shine, like under a bush. So you might want to get creative and find a way for you to identify who's half is who's.

With the woman's half of the lemon place it in the jar with all the remains you have been collecting and fill the jar with vinegar. Wrap the jar in black fabric and tie it up with black yarn, making nine knots as before. Take the jar and dispose of it in a public dumpster. Call the girl by name and command her to leave. Walk away and don't look back.

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