ZoZo: A Case of Mass Hysteria

So we have all heard the tired tale of " ZoZo The Ouija Board Demon ", but do you know the origins of this supposed demon? What I am about to tell you is my theory and my theory only. The opinions expressed in this article are that of my own and are not that of other ZoZo researchers. I have recently came to my own conclusion on what exactly this Phenomenon is and where it stems. Lets find out more shall we?
The letter " Z " in many cultures, is considered to be " evil " or " taboo ", for reasons unknown to me and many others. In Africa we have the " Zu " people which are highly religious and spiritual people. My best guess would be that the " Zu " people(s) have gotten it right. Within the faith of Vodou we have the letter "Z" quite often and it is not a " Taboo " or " evil '' letter. We find it in Veve's ( symbols for the spirits ), and then we find that the Gede Spirits use the term " ZoZo " to refer to their batons, as a penis, while ritually dancing.
Now within ceremonial Magick, Sigil Magick, Planetary Magick, The Goetia, Necromancy, The blossoming of the Spiritualist movement in the 1800's we see a plethora of seals, sigils, and signatures that do in fact contain many " Z's " as well as the actual name ZoSo, not " ZoZo. The earliest known Signature for the Planet Saturn comes from the 1500's, right out of the " Red Dragon " also called " The Grand Grimoire ". It was only until the usage of the Ouija Board became popular again that this thought form or " perversion " of the Gods of Saturn, better known as " ZoZo " began surfacing the board.
Now I personally see " ZoZo " as a tupla, a thought form, something that has been given form by one person and released into the cosmos. Since " ZoZo's " character is very rude, hateful, spiteful, and child-like. That specific entity is the embodiment of all things negative or " evil ". " ZoZo " promotes domestic violence, alcoholism, drug usage and very bizarre acts. You can read the stories for yourself of how he will surface a board, make sexual advances towards women and even men. He will curse you out and yet sometimes he will be quite kind. Does this sound like something we may all know?
I see so many stories of " possession " tales attributed to " ZoZo ". I see so many people complain and say they cannot get rid of this " demon ". Well, what is a demon actually? First Demon is Latin for " Helpful Spirit ". Demons were never actual demons, they were earthly helpers to mankind. As humans have both good and bad inside themselves so does the Demon or Spirit. Some are not all good and some are not all bad, a lot of them you will find to be very neutral.
To put the cases of " Possession " to rest here is my explanation for this. Mainly teenagers are going to want to contact such a being of hatred and violence, for they want to be scared. The majority of people that contact this entity WANT to be scared and WANT the fear. They hear the stories via the grand old internet, get a Ouija and start to make a mockery of the board and the use of the board. The spiritual usage of the board itself, as it is not a game or a toy, it is a tool and you use it, you do not play with it.
With all the hype and adrenaline coursing through their blood, naturally, they are going to have self-fulfilling prophecies. This is when someone believes something so much that it becomes their reality. Hence The " Ouija Board Demon ZoZo " manifests out of this hysteria. I find it a very easy way to scapegoat. I see many articles on the internet these days placing blame for the neighbors cat dieing. Maybe this is one way for these people to lash out and express emotions and actions they would not be able to get away with in their right minds, so, scapegoating their own actions and saying " ZoZo had control ".
I find this very silly. We were all born with free will. Now I am not a Christian at all and I do not hold any beliefs of Christianity. God is not going to interfere with your free will. " Satan " or " ZoZo " is not and CANNOT interfere with your own free will. Why? Because it is free will and it is your own free will. Now if you are weak enough and believe and fall for this fake being, then you are receiving what you have been conditioned by, via the internet and other sources on the subject of " ZoZo ".
Modern Psychology tells us that when someone puts enough thought into something, enough energy behind it that it can physically manifest for those individuals. The ones that spread the message of " ZoZo " and continue to feed his existence are the ones that condition others and project that thought form onto the rest of the human community. It is rather quite simple. Think of it as the Salem Witch Trials. A tiny bit of bad wheat and the mold produced mass hysteria, delusions, hallucinations, accusations of Witchcraft, Spirit possession, the list goes on.
This is my firm belief that " ZoZo " is in fact a thought form, created by one person, fed by thousands and continues to grow and take form and shape. It is and one day will be just another Urban Legend such as Slender Man and Bloody Mary. I actually have more faith that Bloody Mary exists than I do " ZoZo ". Now am I saying that everyone who has written a book on " ZoZo " or experiences this being are liars? Not at all, not in the least! I believe that these people are obsessed with the idea and therefore they simply condition themselves to believe it. The rational mind isn't thinking properly. The realm of imagination is active and very strong.
Now for some facts on the topic. ZoSo for one is not a word it is a symbol. ZoSo is Jimmy Page's own symbol of Saturn and Capricorn, his astrological signs. ZoSo is also the signature of Saturn. So below is a picture of the sigil of Saturn ( ZoSo ) and it's first appearance in " The Red Dragon ".

Now you can see that ZoSo is in reference to Saturn. Nothing more and nothing less. symbol = Saturn (ruler of Capricorn astrology sign)The French text simply says that “Saturn rules over the lives of mankind, extending or terminating it and making life happy or painful“. Pretty interesting stuff isn't it?
So seeing has how Chronos, Titan, and Zeus are all in relation to Saturn do you see the similarities? If you were constantly being portrayed as an evil, malicious being, would you get a little upset at times? I know I surely would. So think about this. When you are using the Ouija and you have ill intentions, you are using it while drinking, you do not have a stable spiritual foundation to go off of, and base your Ouija Sessions on those emotions and imbalances what do you think you are going to get? Exactly what you brought with you to the table.
Human projection or the projection of a thought ( basically brain-washing ) people into believing in this being is what I feel is the true issue at hand. It is our brains that make us seek out even more answers to questions without any real evidence of the existence of " ZoZo ". Sure people claim this " demon " is real but where is the proof? The only proof we really have are speculations. Within the realm of possibilities you can alchemically transform this negative entity " ZoZo " into something amazing. Something better than what you think " ZoZo " is. If you are faced with this being just remember in Freddy. Nancy turns her back on him and takes back every ounce of power she gave him and he went away. This my friends is what " ZoZo " is.
Saturn is also a very tricky planet! So when contacting Saturn be sure to be very literal for Saturn IS very literal. Saturnus will help you with your problems yet at the same time make you face obstacles to overcome those problems. If you are not being true to yourself Saturn will bring this out. Saturn will bring out so many things inside of you, which is what I would call " Inner Demons ".
Some of Saturn's related deities are as follows: Ah Puch, Ahriman, Asrael, Erebos, Hekate, HodrItzcolihuqui, Mokoi, Moros, Sebek, Sedna, Set, Skadi. Saturn also rules Saturday. Saturn is the planet of manifestation, Magickal Manifestation at that!
" Like Jupiter, Saturn has an intricate Moon system, with ten Moons in all. It’s largest Moon, Titan, is the size of Mercury. As Jupiter is second only to the Sun in gravitational power, Saturn is second only to Jupiter, making it a “heavy weight” in terms of spiritual power. Like Jupiter, Saturn is a spiritual teacher. Jupiter is expansion to Saturn’s power of contractions. They are the first of the spiritual planets, or the upper octaves of the personal planets. Saturn is considered the upper octave of the Moon, both tied together through the concept of karma. The symbol of Saturn is a cross on top of a crescent Moon.
Spiritually, Saturn is associated with both the root chakra and the crown. As the ruler of the root, Saturn relates the earth element, the physical world and all the trials and limitations that come with being in the world. As the ruler of the crown, Saturn represents the resolution of karma, and the move into higher consciousness. Saturn is the teacher, but unlike Jupiter, it is a taskmaster teacher.
When you listen to it, everything is fine. When you don’t, Saturn manifests whatever you are ignoring in your life, usually as a challenge that you are forced to face. The metal of Saturn is traditionally lead, because it represents the weight of the responsibilities we carry.
Magically, Saturn is the power of manifestation. It brings things into form, both our karma and our intentions, if they match our spiritual path. Saturn is the master of discipline, named after the Roman version of the Greek Chronos, the Titan associated with the harvest and reaping both rewards and consequences. Saturn is often like our Father Time and Grim Reaper archetype mixed into one. In the Kabalah, Saturn is associated with the sephiroth of Binah, and linked to the divine feminine, cosmic goddess and destroyer. Saturn is the power of the primal and ancient ones in any culture – the first gods, the Ancient Father and Mother. " BY: CHRISTOPHER PENCZAK
So the above description of Saturn and its magickal correspondences, deities, plants and stones gives us a lot more insight into the truth behind " ZoZo ". The black bird associated with " ZoZo " is also a very sacred bird. Sacred to The Goddess, The God Odin, and many other deities. Some say that the crow is " bad luck " or " an evil omen " I say that is just superstition. So in conclusion " ZoZo " had to have been made up by SOMEONE. It has to have come from somewhere. I personally think it is ZoSo being twisted and manipulated to fit the needs of the " ZoZo Seekers ".
One last image of Jimmy Page's Symbol of Saturnus.

Again these are my theories and mine only. So I ask you to research for yourself. Seek out what you feel is right. Do not let human conditioning and human projection influence you to the point that you torture yourself over a false " demon ".

Le Dragon Rouge ( The Red Dragon )