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Santisma Muerte 48 Day Love Spell

This is the traditional and complete La Santa Muerte Love Spell.

Before doing this love spell, or any other spell, make sure to go through the proper protection that you would normally use.

You will Need:

Aloe Vera Plant

2 lengths of red ribbon

Vase of tap water

Six White Flowers

Photo of the target person

Photo of yourself

3 red dressmakers pins

Small amount of red fabric

Red free standing candle ( taper candle )

Candle holder

Red votive Candles

Siete Machos Cologne

Glass of water


Get a clear glass of water and add to it nine drops of Siete Machos cologne. Santa Muerte loves this fragrance. Place this on her altar. Get a new aloe Vera plant, not the one you would normally have hanging on the altar. This one will be for the purpose of the love spell alone. Tie the root end o with a length of red ribbon, red string, or red yarn and hang it upside down over the altar. For this love spell you can also suspend it from Santa Muerte's hand.

Fill a vase with fresh tap water to the top and place the six white flowers inside. This vase is then taken to the cemetery. Set the vase either at the gate of the cemetery or on the first grave you see as you walk inside. Kneel and concentrate on the purpose of the spell. When you're done leave the vase there and return to your altar. After leaving the cemetery you should not stop off to run errands or visit with friends but go immediately back to your altar.

Take the photo of the target person ( the one you are doing the work on ) and the photo of yourself and pin them together, ace to face, with the red dressmakers pin. The other pin is stuck through the photos to form the shape of the cross.

Place the pinned photos in the red fabric and roll it shut and secure it with a red ribbon. This goes under your bed.

Light the red votive candle. This candle should constantly be lit during the entire time of the spellwork. Wen the red votive is about to go out make sure to light another candle in its place. Place the red free standing candle in the candle holder. Then recite the following prayer. In the prayer when you come to the spot where it mentions " driving the needle into a candle " you are going to take the third red dressmakers pin and stick it in the candle and then light it. The red votive are for Santa Muerte. The red free standing candle is the one that is part of the spellwork. The free standing candle is put out and re-lit each session of the spell.

The best time to perform each session of the spell is late in the night when you think the person will be asleep. This spell should be performed for the length of 48 days no matter if you already have received the desired outcome.

Prayer of La Santisima Muerte

" Jesus Christ the conqueror, who on the cross was conquered,

conquer ( name of person ), that he/she may be conquered with me

in the name of the Lord

if you are a fierce animal tame as a lamb,

tams as the flower of rosemary; you must come;

you ate bread, of him you gave me

and through the most strong word that you gave me,

I ask that you bring me ( name of person ),

that he/she be humbled, defeated at my feet

to complete what to me he/she has offered.

Santisima Muerte, I beseech you

insamuch as Immortal God formed you

with your great powers over all mortals

so that you might place them i the celestial sphere

where we may enjoy a glorious day without night

for all eternity and in the name of the Father,

The son and the Holy Spirit,

I pray and I beseech you

that you be my protectress

and that you concede all the favors that I ask of you

until the last day, hour and moment

in which your Divine Majesty commands

to take me before your presence. Amen. "


" Santisima Muerte, do not leave me without protection.

Do not allow ( name of person ) one moment of tranquility;

bother him/her every moment, mortify him/er and disturb him/her

so that he/she always thinks of me. " ( Pray 3 Our Father's )


" Spirit, body and soul of ( name of person )

come because I am calling you, I dominate you

tranquility you will not have

until you come surrendered at my feet.

As I pass this needle through the middle of this candle ( stick the pin in the candle )

the thought of me will pass through the middle of our heart

so that you will forget the woman/man you have and come when I call you.

(repeat 3 times)

Angel of your day, angel of today, Guardian Angel of ( name of person )

bend the heart of ( name of person ) so that he/she will forget the woman/man he/she has

and come surrendered with love to my feet. "


" Holy Guardian Angel of ( name of person )

do not allow him/her tranquility until he/she is at my side.

Saint, oh Saint of my name and devotion

That he/she be content with me is what matters to me.

Anima Sola, that he/she may love me, that I may love hi/her,

return to me the affection of ( name of person ) who has gone.

Spirit, body, and soul of ( name of person ) that his/her love, his/her affection,

his/her fortune, his/her caresses, his/her kisses, everything of him/her be only for me.

Body and soul of ( name of person ) you may not go to see,

not love no other woman/man other then me.

Spirit of San Cipriano, bring him/her to me

Spirit of Santa Elena, bring him/her to me

Spirit of Santa Marta, Bring him/her to me

Spirit of La Caridad de Cobre, bring him/her to me.

Virgen de Covadogna, that you might bring me ( name of person ).

( Repeat 3 times )

" Spirit of the light that illuminates the clouds of the souls

light the brain of ( name of person ) so that he/she remembers me in all that he/she does,

give this to me, impulsed through your powers so that he/she be a slave to my love;

tranquility give him/her not until he/she is at my side. "


" Virtuous aloe, blessed ale,

Holy aloe, sacred aloe,

through your virtue that you gave to the Apostles

I ask that you extend this virtue to me

because I venerate you and I love you

so that you may free me from evil acts,

sickness, bad luck, that my business do well,

in business transactions and that you drive evil away from my home

and free e from enemies everywhere I may go:

that you give me work, blessings, fortune and money

with ease and the least effort,

your virtue will make me strong, famous, fortunate and joyous,

do not place obstacles in what I am ambitious for,

desire or propose to do, make me a flattering success;

this divine virtue that God gave you,

in God I believe and in you I trust.

Through all of the virtues that you concede to me

I will defeat all of the obstacles that presented to me

and my home will fill with blessings with your virtue

sublime and portentous Holy aloe.

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