Charging a Fetish (Mask Magick Outline)

My basic outline for crafting a mask to embody the archetypal energy of your chosen God or Goddess / Spirit / Angel / Demon / Daemon. This is not set in stone, this is just my way of going about the mask magick process. I've chosen Pan's story as my archetypal energy to imbue the mask with the energy of Pan and that of his story, hence creating within myself / ourselves a merging of his consciousness into our own. I feel this to be a very transforming for oneself spiritually. The intent and purpose of crafting a mask and reenacting the Myth is to bring about an Alchemical change within your own psyche. Whichever myth you've chosen please be sure that's what type of energy that vibes with that of your own. Choose a God or Goddess, Spirit, Angel, or Daemon that is going to be of the most benefit to your transformation. I vibe very well with Pan's story. Being rejected by his father for being different and then becoming the God of the wild, the wild and free one, the trickster, jokester.
It is best to craft your mask with all hand made items. Paper mache, Plaster, etc... If you cannot do this for some reason then finding a blank mask and adding to it, crafting it, bending it to suit your need and shape it to that of the God or Goddess you've chosen will work just as fine. It's all in your intention. As for myself I will not mess with paper mache or plaster, so I must find a blank mask to add to it and imbue it with Pan's Story. Having picked a God or Goddess, find their story and study it, let the myth sink into your subconscious mind. For you can and will learn a lot about yourself through these myths and legends. Giving you the opportunity to embody that Archetypal energy ( God ) and transform you from the inside. When one puts on the mask and ritual garb you are becoming, inviting that God or Goddess, that energy inside of yourself. You become that God or Goddess while in an altered state of merging.
I have not chosen a specific moon phase nor am I following any type of astrological regimen. I am going by my own intuition and letting my Higher Self guide me along the way. I feel with this type of magick and spiritual transformation, using your intuition is going to be best to suit your personally. I am however performing all acts of mask magick within a Traditional Witchcraft outline and context. You do not have to do this, stick to your tradition and what makes YOU feel the most comfortable and most empowered. This is about YOU and transforming yourself, gaining knowledge, etc..
Once you've crafted your mask and it's completely finished you are going to need to charge your Fetish. Don't get me wrong you are going to want to charge it while you are crafting it as well. Play songs of the God or Goddess you've chosen. Listen to an audio book about the myths and legends surrounding the Archetypal energy you've chosen. Add items that are going to reflect the God or Goddess you are going to merge with. There is so much room for creativity while crafting your mask let your imagination go wild. Get yourself in that mood, set the ambiance, get in touch with that energy while crafting the mask.
After my mask is finished I will re-read Pan's Myth and let it sink it even that much more. Really getting a good grasp on the meaning of the story. How does it relate to you? To your Life, your inner struggles? What are you going to be changing and transforming? I will cast my compass counter clockwise inviting in any beneficial energies. From there I shall perform the invocation of the Witchmother and Witchfather. My compass has been laid and the proper energies invited in, the mask magick is ready to begin. Here is a simple technique that I've given in my most recent video ( Charging A Fetish ) you can use to charge and amp up the energy of your mask that much more. It's very simple, it's very easy and you need only two items. 1.) Your wand or blasting rod. 2.) Grave Soil. Lastly your mask, obviously.
Lay the mask down in front of your working space. Hold it high and proud, showing it to the God or Goddess you've chosen. Speak to that God/Goddess and explain in detail your reasons for crafting this mask. Really have a good conversation with your energy you are working with. When you are ready take up a small bit of the Grave Soil and sprinkle it on the mask. Take your wand, going counter clockwise around the mask, sending that energy, blasting it into the mask you. You can add a drop of your own blood to the mask ( completely optional ). Now you are going to intone the following chant/charm for charging the Fetish.
" I summon the mighty ( Name of God/Goddess ) from the spaces of silence from which the outside cradles. I give you life by blood and by soil, by the essence of my being. Emerge from your realm and encircle my being, protecting my body as I dream and walk the web of night. Aid me in the art of Magick, the left hand path. As Thanatos I require your service, for we are bound by the laws of birth and death ".
At this time you should be feeling the energy within your compass, within your body, the God or Goddess should be present. After you've charged your Fetish, your mask, place the mask on your face. You can reenact the chosen myth if you wish or you can just sit in silent meditation and let the mask transform you. Let yourself become the embodiment of the God or Goddess. For myself I shall be playing the panpipes and drumming, any type of woodland instruments that will bring forth the energy of Pan into my compass, my being. You can really turn this into a play if you will. Going all out with other ritual attire to bring that energy into your being. You may experience unusual thoughts, movements, words or actions. Make sure to set an intent to remember each thing that happens during your reenactment, if you trance out like I often do.
When you feel you are finished reenacting the myth or rite of the chosen God/Goddess let your senses calm down. Let yourself come back into your being becoming fully aware and conscious. Many traditions have cake and ale. In Traditional Witchcraft we have the red meal. The red meal is something I will be performing as a " thanksgiving " after the rite / ritual reenactment itself. You may now close down your working space. Thank all the energies that you have worked with in your compass. Thank the God/Goddess for attending your rite. Sweep away your compass or draw the energy back into yourself and give it back to the universe. Now you are going to want to find a very special place for your mask. Keep it put up, or on display for all to see while you are not working with it. When you feel a time has come and you need to reenact that myth/rite again for further transformation or just to get in touch with that Divine spark do your entire ritual once again. This time you won't have to charge the mask with the " Charging of the Fetish ".
Keep a journal separate from other journals. Use this one specifically for your mask magick ventures. Write down anything you've seen, felt, smelt, sensed, while doing the reenactment. Go back through your mask magick journal and see how you have progressed. Have you changed anything within yourself for the better? Have you overcome any obstacles in your path? What exactly has the mask done for you? Maybe you just simply want to connect and become one with your chosen being. Whatever the purpose/intent of your mask magick rite, always know it's a very special act and a very sacred one. You are taking on the personification of that energy you have invoked within that mask. Hence you always treat it with the utmost respect.
I hope this general outline and a little more explanation on the subject sheds light for you, helps you to transform and become closer to your own divine spark. Enjoy your mask, enjoy the dance, enjoy the song!
Louis Cypher
Below is the video for " Charging a Fetish "