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La Santisima Muerte Oil Recipes


For either of the oils use extra virgin olive oil or virgin olive oil. Get a mortal and pestle or any other suitable container to grind your herbs in and pour in about 1 1/2 to 2 ounces of olive oil. Next add 3 tablespoons of the dry herb. Grind the herb into the oil in order to release its natural il and fragrance. You want this incorporated into the olive oil. Once the herb is ground transfer the olive oil with the crushed herb into a glass jar and cover it with a tight fitting lid. Leave the jar outdoors in the sun. If you wish you can also leave the jar on a sunny windowsill. Allow the jar to remain in a sunny location for 4 days. Then strain and save the oil in smaller bottles. If you prefer a more fragrant oil add more crushed herb into the oil. To keep the oil from becoming stale you can either add a little benzoin or a crushed vitamin C tablet to the oil. I use a few drops of Vitamin E Oil. If you add more than one herb make sure to increase the olive oil by 2 tablespoons.

Santa Muerte Altar Oil

2 ounces of olive oil

2 tablespoons Rue

1 cinnamon stick

9 drops myrrh oil

If you prefer a tinted oil try adding red, green, or yellow food coloring, adding one drop at a time until you achieve the desired color. Other good additives to this oil would be clear quartz chips or plant/stem roots.

Santa Muerte Drawing Oil

2 ounces of olive oil

9 drops lodestone oil

9 drops sandalwood oil

2 tablespoons of chamomile or bayberry

If you prefer a tinted oil try adding red, green, or yellow food coloring, adding one drop at a time until you achieve the desired color. Other good additives to this oil would be lodestone chips or small magnet pieces.

Santa Muerte Money Oil

2 ounces of olive oil

2 tablespoons of bergamot

9 drops frankincense

If you prefer a tinted oil try adding green food coloring one drop at a time until you achieve the desired color. Other good additives to this oil would be shredded money.

Santa Muerte Peaceful Home Oil

2 ounces of olive oil

2 tablespoons rosemary

1 tablespoon verbena

9 drops of sandalwood oil

If you prefer a tinted oil try adding blue food coloring one drop at a time until you achieve the desired color. Other good additives to this oil would be small amethyst chips.

Santa Muerte Love Oil

2 ounces of olive oil

2 tablespoons yarrow

2 tablespoons yerba mate

9 drops rose oil

If you prefer a tinted oil try adding red food coloring one drop at a time until you achieve the desired red or pink color. Other good additives to this oil would be small rose quarts chips, rosebush thorns.

Santa Muerte Protection Oil

2 ounces olive oil

2 tablespoons cat's claw

1 tablespoon alum

9 drops cypress oil

If you prefer a tinted oil try adding blue food coloring to the oil one drop at a time until you achieve the desired color. Other good additives to this oil would be whole peppercorn, and plant parts.

Santa Muerte House Blessing Oil

2 ounces olive oil

2 tablespoons hyssop

9 drops sandalwood

9 drops myrrh

If you prefer a tinted oil try adding yellow food coloring one drop at a time until you achieve the desired color. Other good additives to this oil would be plant parts.

Santa Muerte Domination Oil

2 ounces olive oil

2 tablespoons asafoedtida

9 drops bistort

If you prefer a tinted oil try adding red food coloring one drop at a time until you achieve the desired color. Other good additives to this oil would be plant parts.

Santa Muerte Controlling Oil

2 ounces olive oil

2 tablespoons damiana

2 tablespoons cinquefoil ( five fingered grass )

If you prefer a tinted oil try adding red food coloring one drop at a time until you achieve the desired color. Other god additives to this oil would be plant stems and chips.

Santa Muerte Healing Oil

2 ounces olive oil

2 tablespoons lavender

9 drops eucalyptus oil

9 drops hyssop oil

If you prefer a tinted oil try adding blue food coloring one drop at a time until you achieve the desired color. Other good additives to this oil would be eucalyptus twigs.

Santa Muerte Success Oil

2 ounces olive oil

2 tablespoons irish moss

1 tablespoon juniper

If you prefer a tinted oil try adding yellow or green food coloring one drop at a time until you achieve the desired color. Other good additives to this oil would be juniper berries.

Santa Muerte Dark Art Oil

2 ounces olive oil

2 tablespoons knotweed

If you prefer a tinted oil try adding blue, green, and red food coloring one drop at a time until you achieve an almost black color. Other good additives to this oil would be hemlock or wormwood pieces.

Santa Muerte Commanding Oil

2 ounces olive oil

2 tablespoons elder

9 drops patchouli oil

If you prefer a tinted oil try adding blue, green, and red food coloring one drop at a time until you achieve an almost black color. Other good additives to this oil would be pieces of devil's shoestring.

Santa Muerte Court Oil

2 ounces olive oil

2 tablespoons galangal

9 drops bergamot oil

If you prefer a tinted oil try adding blue or yellow food coloring one drop at a time until you achieve your desired color. Other additives good for this oil would be pieces of nutmeg, or high john chips.

Santa Muerte Employment Oil

2 ounces olive oil

2 tablespoons wahoo

9 drops sandalwood oil

if you prefer a tinted oil try adding green food coloring one drop at a time until you achieve the desired color. Other good additives to this oil would be pieces of cinnamon stick. ( this is my personal favorite ).

Santa Muerte Breakup Oil

2 ounces olive oil

2 tablespoons cayenne

1 tablespoon henbane

If you prefer a tinted oil try adding blue, green, and red food coloring one drop at a time until you achive a blackish color. other good additives to this oil would be pieces of broken glass or hair from a black dog.

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