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Contagious Magick

When someone is so spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically depleted and drained, this leaves the person's mind so vulnerable to the merging of one bad seed into that of his own mind. Hence leading to a type of " contagious magick ". I have seen first hand the dangerous and hellacious mental anguish one man can go through by being so weak in his ground. Man has to set up mental barriers to block these " bad seeds " from merging with his own thoughts, actions, and words. I'd like to think of it as a type of Psychic Shield that one can put up to push out the " devil's seedlings "


For eight years I have seen " The Beast " be magickally manipulated by the " devil's seedlings ". The longer you are around one that is pissed off at everything and anything, hates the world, hates their neighbor, hates their CHILDREN, the more " seedlings " from " the devil " begin to merge with your very being. They merge with your own thoughts, confusing you, frustrating you, making you feel as if these are your own feelings, thoughts, and actions when in fact they are not. I'd like to think of this as " mental / mind control " through " contagious Magick ".

You walked in his foot steps, not your own, for all these years of purgatory. He planted the seeds of despair and the notion to give up on life it'self and your own family. Seeing as how strong " The Beast '' can be I'm actually very surprised that " it " couldn't combat these contagious seedlings from that of another person. A co-worker in a sense, a friend not, a foe yes. You stewed in " the devil's seedlings " as he walked in front of you, thus " the beast " walking in the foot prints of the seedlings, were magickally " caught " by " the beast " itself. You " caught " these seedlings and they planted themselves in your mind, depleting it of any light it had. Killing your kindness, killing your body physically, emotionally, and spiritually. How could have " the beast " not seen this ? It's so very simple to see! By merely walking and partaking in " the devil's seedlings " you being so weak, ate them up like candy! How could you have not seen this ?

Everything that he did you in turn did to your own family. You destroyed yourself with this " seedling ". Eight damn years of these seedlings being collected, stored, and blossoming in your mind can now finally begin to uproot and never grow nor see the " sun " again. What do I mean by all of this ? When you are so weak in your own identity, your faith, your everything, you are so very easily influenced by just about ANYTHING that are stimuli to you on a daily basis. Now that we've seen how " Contagious Magick " works by the MOST SIMPLEST methods, we can now begin the process of Alchemy. Transforming that negativity back into what you once were, if there is anything left to salvage.

The process of transforming the negative into positive can be very challenging. It takes a lot of time and patience to get to the root of the problem, for " the beast " it has taken almost nine years to get to the root of the problem. All the magickal workings that were done on " the beast " did in fact help! They didn't take immediately, sadly, they took though and now I can definitely see the transformation occurring. So, from the physical stimuli we've covered, causing the root of the problem, the " seedlings " how do we transform all of that back?

It's taken me years and I mean years to figure out just one person. I feel as if I've had " the beast " under a sort of " constant observation " state. Always seeing what magicks would work and what would fail. Almost everything worked, that is to say in the Astral anyway. When you can astrally work on yourself and someone else for many years, you CAN transform all the " junk " into positive things. How though? How?

I will say one thing, one word, something that I've learned and that is DRAMA. You have to be dramatic within your ritual mindset. You HAVE to let the role of Pan or Dionysus totally empower your being. Take on that roll, live it, understand the Stories and History behind these things. Reenact it in anyway that makes you feel it's coming into the physical world. I look back at 20 years worth of Journals and Magickal workings and see I had not put much '' OOMPH '' into my dance.

Start within yourself and others as well. Get into yourself first, that's hard enough, or was for me LOL. Then transform your " demons " into Daemons. Go on and help others do the same after you've mastered yourself. It may take you a mere MONTH! Or it could take you quite a few years to master you craft and yourself firstly. It will come. It will happen. It's up to you.

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