Spirit Encounter and Message

Spirit speaks to us in such strange ways. Sometimes we have no idea if it's our imagination or the actual spirit of the deceased. My little trick, in 20 years, I've learned to ask myself one questons " was this spirit? " . If my gut/heart says " yes " instantly I take that as a sure fire sign! Yes, Indeed this was from spirit.
A few nights ago I was on the verge of sleep and being awake. That state where you have no idea what is going on, all the colors, images, smells were so realistic, vivid, and so real! I used to work at Sally's Beauty Supply and Equiptment, quite some years ago, about 5 years. We had an amazing boss, " Boss Lady " is what we called her. She really was such a great person. Even though her and I had our falling out, we did in fact make up and put everything in the past. Thank the gods for the last hug and the last " I love you ".
Make sure you tell your loved ones, pets, family members that you love them every-single-day of your life. You never know when someone's time is up here on this earth. Now, I know you are happy and warm again. So, here is what " Boss Lady " had to tell me. She came to me looking fabulous, as usual! Her hair white as snow, beautiful pink nails, as she would have had in this life. The whole time she's talking to me she's laughing and *cackling* like she used to. Very heart-warming to actually hear and smell her, and seeing her in the way she wanted to be seen.
I have no idea where we are, maybe in her house? Maybe in the store? My house? I don't think that's too awfully important but here is her message that she insisted got out.
" Ryan, honey, I am fine! Don't worry about me. I'm with my Mom, My Dad, My family. My time where you are is over, I won't be incarnating again. I am with God, The Lord. Please tell my family the more they hurt and grieve over me, I feel that pain. Tell them to please try, try for me to be happy. Go on living, don't let your lives ( My Children ) stop because my physical body is gone, that was just a vessel. I am so proud of my children for stepping up to the plate. They know I will always be with them. Make sure you let " Daloris " know how proud I am of her. The store is amazing, I couldn't have done it better. Big shoes to fill isn't it crazy ass white woman ? ( She rolls her head back in laughter ). Everyone needs to know I am fine and so will they be! I am not sad or upset that you didn't come to my funeral. You made the right choice. It was less pain for me to feel, radiating from you too. We do feel your sadness here. So, for me be happy, rembember me as I was when i was healthy. This is all I want. I want this message to get out. All my loved ones, children and employees ( former ), you are all so full of love. Keep on loving and living for me "
The whole time she's telling me the above message, she keeps rolling her head back in utter laughter, smiles and tons of hugs, just as she was when she was here on this earth. Well, " Boss Lady " your message is now out. You will always be loved and remembered in the best of light. We all love you so much! Rest in Power!