Samhain 2015 Spirit Message

The another night I was woken up once again at 3:00 AM, or somewhere around there. I had the strongest bursts of knowledge running through my head. I knew it had come from my Higher Self, Source, Spirit, God, whatever you want to call it. This is how the message read:
The veil is always this thin. It's just vibrating at a consistancy rate so much higher than the human mind can grasp. Parting or lifting the veil from yur eyes to see the other dimensions, can be easily acheived through visualization and imagination. Of course any form of spirit communication, with good results is a journey.
It takes a lot of time to gap your bridges. Thins being said don't ever think we are not here or listening. We are always at your side, listening to you. It just takes time to establish a solid way of communications between worlds. We don't give up on you, for we are eternal. Don't give up on us.
Everyone can communicate with Spirit. Remember a time of just simply " Knowing " something, a burst of knowledge. We communicate in such a fashion. Trust that voice, spirit speaks first then the brain. This coming year is not set in stone, everything is subject to change. We can still see the energies that correspnd to your thoughts, actions, and vibrations surrounding the current course of action.
Fortune-Telling is not mediumship. Spiritualists communicate and gain knowledge through us. They do not ask for the future, for they know nothing is set in stone. The New Year will usher in changes. Some of these changes will be building blocks or stepping stones, so it's not always pleasent. A lot of very high, good, energy is vibrating towards the New Year and future events.
Relationships may end and new ones may start. All the changes weather it be good or negative are all up to you and only you.
I hope you all had a fantastic Samhain, Halloween, Dia de los muertos, wherever you are in the world! May the new year bring you the best of the best!