Spirit Message from Ayianna

Once again I woke up at around midnight this time, not 3 AM like the normal time. I had a massive burst of information that was like being " downloaded " into my brain. Ayianna is my second and only other Guide, on the other side, asides from my Grandmother, Veronica. This is what she had to say...
" My name is Ayianna and I am your guide. I do come through the talking board that often. That is a tool used for another connection. I am of the stars, the waters and the night sky. I do come through under/from this conciousness. Many of the dead go here, the noble and the righteous. The loving souls long past but still active and never forgotten.
I am the cool breeze on your arms at night. I watch over and protect, as all of us do from the stars. We are not interdimensionals or ET's. We are still Spirits. An energy, a conciousness. We do remember some of our past lives and we can also incarnate here as well.
Half of your reading this message, will experience this. Words are hard to use as a description of our dimension, the images I am sending you best desribes this reflection. When humans use forms of Necromancy, even the smallest form, we see it.
Not one of us would hurt you. We are loving and peaceful. We consider you our friends yet we get frowned upon too, why is this Ryan? Spirit is love, God is Love, Love is Love. It's all the same name for this conciousness.
~Ayianna "