Night 2: A Snag in the Plan

Night 2:
A Snag in the Plan
She felt too tired for her nightly run so rather than lace up her running shoes, Jen climbed in the shower. She would just soak under the falling water as it soothed her headache, then go to bed. Why did she feel so sick? She just couldn't figure it out, and to top it off her favorite foods just smelled very weird to her.
Jay sat on the floor next to his bed. His dog was not acting right. Lovely little monster that he was, he was growling at Jay, then at the window going back and forth, “Luck, it's me. Why are you acting this way?” he wanted to know what was wrong with his puppy. He knew Luck loved him, of course Luck did get grumpy sometimes, “Okay. I'll just put some treats down for you.”
Jay pulled out Luck's favorite treats, placed a few in his bed, and then tucked Luck's favorite toy next to them, “It's late, and I've got a busy day tomorrow. Can we have this argument tomorrow night?” he asks, Luck growls at him one last time before running to his bed and curling up to stare at the window.
You said they were compatible. The female is rejecting the infant.
No she isn't. I told you, my tests are conclusive. They are the last of their kind. Think of it as a pair of sea horses. The female starts the gestation, the male finishes it. It's the same with these two. Just shut up, and bring them in.
You're impossible.
Because I'm right, and you don't like that.
Cold? But she was in bed. How could she be cold? Jen grabbed for her blanket only to touch a thin mattress beneath her. Her cramping had finally stopped, and she just wanted to sleep a bit more. It was her day off, so why not?
Warm. Too warm. What was going on? What was that tugging on his shirt? Jay tried to roll over. He didn't want anything to do with getting up in the middle of the night. Was that Luck trying to get under the blankets?
She didn't want to move. Why did she have to move? She was comfortable, and warm, and what was that horrible smell? An eye was cracked open as she rolled to find a more comfortable position. Oh. Marika curled back up. It was just the spiders again. She could ignore them. They didn't hurt her, and they promised they'd find her a nice home.
I know, but if we don't get the transfer completed fast the infant...
I know that. You've made me abundandtly aware of the dangers. We just have to find the pair again.
By all the Gods! You're impossible! I told you I had a trace I we could have used! But no, you had to try and remember where they are.
Oh shut up.
Something was tugging at him again. Jay realized it couldn't be Luck. Luck was still in his own bed. He sat up, and looked around. It was late, and there was that tug to go outside again. He grabbed his board, and headed for the porch. He wasn't going to go for a walk, but maybe Ganny would tell him what was going on? At the very least she could give him a hint?
Oh Jay my boy. You have to find her. You have to be quick. The spiders are trying to help, but they can't find you right now. If you're with her they can find you both. I'll help them.
Ganny didn't wait for him to ask if she was there. She started moving the planchette the moment his fingers touched it, “Wait. Ganny, I don't understand. Who am I supposed to find? What's going on?” the planchette remained still. Jay asked again, and the planchette remaind still. The board was tucked under one arm, and the planchette was pocketed as he began to walk up the street.
She woke with a feeling to go out. Jen was about to give up on following her instinct to walk west along 7th street. She just was so tired, and she was starting to feel cramps again. The cramps sent her doubled to her knees, “Are you okay?” the voice was unexpected, and Jen looked up tears in her eyes as she tried to will the pain away, “Oh hey, come on. Let me help you,” the man with the odd looking eyes leaned over and gently cupped her elbow, “My place isn't far. Come on, I can make you something?” Jen gave a curt nod, and struggled to her feet.
The light that flashed overhead caused both to look up, “It's okay,” Jen said as Jay gave a worried look, “It's the spiders.”
“What?” oh that was a really smooth reply, but it was the only one Jay had. His ganny had said something about spiders. Was he sleeping after all? Was she? The light surrounded them, and blinded as it did so.
Found them.
Only because they somehow found each other.
So? What does that matter?
Jay woke in the morning. Something felt different. He felt different. Had he got the woman's name? Luck was curled up right behind his knees, and he couldn't help but smile at that. What was that all about last night?
Marika purred as she made herself comfortable on the bed of the woman she was now going to live with. She liked the way the woman smelled. Liked how soft the blankets on the bed were. A fresh bout of purring, and she flipped her tail over her nose to go back to sleep.
Jen blinked as she sat up. Where had that cat come from? Had she really seen that man with the silvery white hair? More strange dreams? She determined to sleep a little more, and worry later.
Okay. You were correct. One thing. Why does the female not seem to want to remember?
Some beings just don't like to know more than what they can precieve with their own eyes.
Another night filled with odd dreams. And spiders. Jen hated spiders, and these weren't ordinary little stomp on them, and they're dead spiders. These were big as a house spiders. Such odd colors too. One was blacker than black, while the other seemed to made of molten amber. So odd. Jen reached for her pad of paper, and her pencils. If she couldn't get the images down, she might be able to convince herself that she had just been dreaming.
At least she didn't feel sick. She would take that. The phone rang, and she sighed as she lay the sketches aside to answer it. If it was work she would tell them to stick it. This was her day off, and she had plans with her mom. The only real quandry she had was what to do about that cat? She wasn't really a cat person, but the snowy white feline with the charcoal gray heart on her back just couldn't be put out on the street. Jen decided to ask her mother.
Jay woke in his bed. Luck was curled up tight against the back of his legs, “Aw, I love you too Luck,” a scratch to the little dog's ears, and Jay gets out of bed. Luck looks up at the movement before he puts his chin on his paws, I thought you were dead. Jay spun around at that, “Did you,” pause because he wasn't sure he heard that, “say something Luck?”
Yes. I said I thought you were dead. I would have been so upset if I had to go to a different home. Your mom hates me.
Jay blinked a few times as he processed that. He had to be imagining it. A shrug is given, and he walks into the bathroom. The light is switched on, and he just stares at his reflection in the mirror. White. His hair was white. Not just any white. No, his hair was a snowy silver white. And his eyes. What was wrong with his eyes? They were green when he went to bed. He was certain of it. Now? Now they were black. No iris. No whites. Just black. Black as the spider that he had seen in his dream last night. What was going on? Of course, I could just be reading your mom wrong? She could just be hiding how she feels?Oh this was getting so weird. Did he have anything to do today?
Yes. Could it be delayed? Yes. He needed to think, and he should see if Ganny was willing to talk? But where was his board?