Night One: The Beginning

Night One:
The Beginning of it All
Cold, why did it have to be so cold? He hurried through the streets questioning his sanity at having gone out so late at night. Wasn't he usually sleeping this time of night? Yet there was that nagging insistence that he had to be outside. So why did he insist on going for a walk? It was bloody cold! A cold wind catches at the back of his jacket lightly lifting the long black braid off his back. Green eyes blink at that for a moment, and he's once more hurrying along. It's late. It's cold, and his dog was waiting for him.
The click of the key in the lock is comforting. Not one to be spooked by the night, so why did he feel so spooked now? Just as he was about to open the door, a light flashed over head. What was that?
She walked slowly down the front steps. She loved this time of night. So soothing to her soul. The hustle and bustle of the day wore at her until she could hardly contain the scream that would catch at the back of her throat. Her coat was fastened up as her feet hit the pavement of the sidewalk. All those emotions flying at her. It was so draining to shield them from herself.
Was that a dog she heard whine? Surely not. No one she knew had a dog, and certainly if they did the poor thing would be indoors? What was that light? She headed towards it, getting no feeling of danger from it. Only a deep curiosity that beckoned her forward. Her dark hair was a touch longer than she liked, but she was going to the salon in a day or two, so she'd have it cut shorter then.
Are you sure we have compatible species?
Of course I'm sure. What do you take me for? An amatuer? Just get out of my lab and let me finish my tests.
What if the female can't carry?
If the initial tests are correct, nothing. You know we've been charged with protecting sentient beings. Just leave me to the tests, would you?
Jen woke the next morning with a light headache, and feeling just a little queasy. How did she get home? If she thought too hard about it, her head spun, “Ugh, Jen, you have got to quit running so hard late at night,” she finally decided as she quickly dressed for the day ahead. The fragments of dream that kept filtering through made little sense. Had she really seen spiders as big as a house? And what did the one mean by 'tests'? Surely it had all just been a very odd dream. She would have to hurry or she was going to be late.
“Ganny?” Jay sat on the floor his board in front of him, “Ganny I need your advice, are you here?” the planchette didn't budge. He asked one last time before giving a deep sigh and putting his board away, “Okay. Maybe later then,” he was not all certain the dream was just a dream. It had a feel to it that said there was something more there. That one spider had spoken to him. Called him something that he wasn't sure what it meant.
“Well this isn't getting anything done for the day. I have to get those packages mailed, and then I need to get work done. Gods my head hurts though. I wonder if I have any advil left?” Jay's dog cocked his head to one side as he spoke, which brought a smile to his face, “At least you're here,” the small dog curled up in his lap and gave him a doggy kiss. Jay sat there for a moment more, then got to his feet to begin his day.
Author's note: Rough drafts are always the choppiest. My spelling sucks, mostly because I'm never certain I have the correct spelling due to my dyslexia. This is mostly a rough outline of the first chapter? Open to name suggestions, and the like. I thought 'Jay' would be more of a day person, and Jen more of a night owl. I'm working out a few details, and will be adding to this as I get them worked out. Trust me with the hair and eye thing. It'll make sense by the time I'm done. ;) Comments, suggestions, gripes are all welcome.