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" Leaving With My Fella' "

So quite a few weeks ago, two months ago, three months maybe, hell I have no idea. This tune popped into my head. I'm no singer, I do not write songs but this had such an impact on me I had to blog it.... it took me a while but I did it! I'm really looking for someone to put music to my lyrics! I have the tune in my head, all piano, nothing more, maybe a bit of guitar. So, here is this little " song " if you will that just came to me.

" Leaving With My Fella "

Does it ever stop?

Does it over-play

when ya hate it?

Please tell me why do I stay?

I say I stay because I love you forever.

I ask why should I stay and what would ya say if I left with a fella ?

It's on replay because of your say,

I can't hit rewind

or press the power.

I love you I say but I can't stay,

So I must say, for my own sake,

that I'm gonna leave with my fella....

Leave with my fella'

Leave with my fella'

Leave with my fella'

Leave with my fella'

Leave with my fella'

For Heaven's sake, don't stake your life,

and miss the chance to be with your fella.

To be with your fella'

To be with your fella'

To be with your fella'

To be with your fella'

To be with your fella'

Staying away from what you say

and staying with my fella.

You can't accept that I am gay but I was concieved this way,

from my Goddess of a Mother,

I love her so my Father

through and through.

I have to say that I caan't stay......

I gotta leave with my fella'

I gotta leave with my fella'

I gotta leave with my fella'

I gotta leave with my fella'

I gotta leave with my fella'

I love you good bye.

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