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The Witch's Foot and The Crossing

This shape is one of the most powerful symbols. the middle line running through the center is the God-Stane, stretching from Elfhame below to Chemeri above. This can be used to connect you with all the worlds and tremble the power around you. Realize the power connects you from your spine, to the powers above and below, power flows from all directions around you. The crossing is done thus;

1. Touch your forehead and name it the sky, the impregnator.

2. Touch your navel, and name it as the mother.

3. Touch your left shoulder and name it the puckerel

4. Touch your right shoulder and name it the other.

5. Fold your hands to your chest and call out to the wisdom and power of The Great Dark One.

6. Now with your breath take into yourself the spirit of the world, breathe it down into the place of your power, in your chest. Gather into yourself the power that endows, the whole world within motion, until it is a radiance from your chest. It will not feel as powerful as you'd like at first but keep doing it, gently. See this giant ball of energy you have collected, form it ito the great Witch's Foot. See it inside your body, radiating out. A great way to feel power whenever you need to, knot and cord magick. All types of magick can be done using this very simple yet powerful technique.

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