Shungite Bracelet " The Black Pearl " On Elastic Band "

So I recently discovered some more amazing qualities of WEARING SHUNGITE! I purchased this bracelet, a simple, classy, " black pearl " look, shungite bracelet. I can't even begin to describe the healing properties it's releasing into my wrist.
A while back I had broken my right wrist. I was in the shower, a very hot shower at that! I went to get ready to get out and bam I hit the floor. I had cought myself with my right hand, which is my dominent hand. The hand I use to write, brush my teeth, EVERYTHING. Pain killers worked but only masked the pain, they give no actual healing benefits!
So, I find this store called " SHUNGIT-STORE.COM ". I see this bracelet, so I purchase it, right? I get the bracelet in the mail today. I slip it on my right wrist, I do have arthritis in that wrist now. Low and behold, by the love of the gods my wrist is NOT hurting in ANYWAY shape or form! I am in total shock and awe over this fantastic bracelet.
It's almost as if it gives off a cooling effect when my wrist is inflamed and a slightly warmer effect when my wrist starts to calm down. I've got to say I am SO impressed with this bracelet, I am going to purchase one for each of my family memebers. They're also SUPER affordable!
All in all a very VERY amazing product. One that I would reccomend to ANYONE that suffers from pain in your wrist, or ankles. Check out the bracelets with the link below! I will be updating you all constantly on the process of the new Shungite products! Keep checking back for more updates, tips, tricks and so much more!