Visions and More Visions Of Ecstasy

I was pulled from my Grandmother's farm house. We were sitting, talking, having coffee. Jesus was there in Spirit Form, along with a ton of my other family members. I was taken into this galaxy almost, a worm hole if you will. It felt like something grabbed me from behind, with such a strong force, strong yet gentle, sexual yet platonic.
I find myself in space, just floating around in a giant blue-black-purple mist. I feel like I have a ton of beings around me. The colors are exploding everywhere. Stars dieing off, bursting into flames of blues, whites, yellows, and reds. The colors had feelings, they felt so good, so cold, so amazing. Everything felt balanced.
I see this woman coming up to me, spinning me around in circles, touching my face with her finger tips. She gently lifts my chin and gives me a kiss on the cheek. " You are my child " she whispered. As fast as she had spun in and twirled around me in an ambiance of color, she left just as quickly. Before she left I felt a very strong energy, purple and blue in color, hints of amber and red. This energy went straight into my navel area, shooting up into my heart and crown Chakra. It felt like Ecstasy, it felt better than any drug you can imagine.
Now a man appears in front of me, out of no where, just as the Goddess did. He takes me in his arms, grabbing my waist in a very sexual manner. Placing his hands all over my entire body. He has me coddled from behind, kissing my neck and chanting in my ear.
He tells me he is the Horned Man, The Cunning Man, Azazel, Light Bringer. He asks me if I'm still ready for my journey, I turn around in his embrace and with the utmost honestly I tell him " yes of course I am ". Now what happened next was as real as the earth under our feet. He takes me aside, now we are on a mountain top, in this same galaxy as the Goddess. He turns into Baphoment, penis erect, right hand up, left hand down. He gestures me to come over to him. I walk up to him and look at him. He talks but telepathically. In my mind I hear him say " Come, sit on my lap, sit with me and feel me in you". I was feeling a bit hesitant, I walked slowly over to him. As I started to gather the courage to set on just one side of his knee, he grabs me and thrusts me up into the air with his arms.
His arms showing the outline of muscles, his face, black eyes, goat head, horns and all. He was cunning alright, charming, sexual, and such a strong attraction to the horned one. As he as me still spinning up in the air, filling me with some sort of energy that is just radiating through my body, giving me chills up and down every inch of my being. He pulls me slowly down to him, slowly I get closer and closer to him. I see him smiling, his penis even more erect now than ever. I slowly get closer, with hesitance and a bit of fear, he wraps his arms around me. The Horned one slowly slides me down onto his penis.
He tells me how amazing it is, how wonderful it's going to feel and it did. I felt so great, so amazing, filled with joy and ecstasy. He still doesn't talk, he transfers his words directly into my head, like he was downloading a ton of information. As he's thrusting inside of me, pulling me up and down, he explodes in joy. I feel his energy explode inside of me.
As I lay there with my head on his lap, he strokes my hair and tells me " you are my child ". I felt so at peace, so loved and so empowered. I felt power inside of me that I've never felt before. He lifts me up and strokes me once before I go.
He disappears back into the universe just as the Goddess did. It was like He and The Goddess gifted me with something. They opened up that door that I couldn't fully get back open. Obviously that sexual references are metaphors for birthing new ideas, new things to come. That door opening back up to a deeper, more primal, sexual force.
So many of my visions are of this nature as of late. So much symbolism for me to even taken in, grasp and interpret... That or I have a very active imagination but what is life, passion and your art without YOUR imagination?
Below is a video on the subject matter as well. I find it very interesting honestly. Sexuality, the science of it, it's intriguing....