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The Open Door & Sacred Sex

So my last and most recent video, The Conclusion of my dancing days and being an escort. Didn't just sum up my exploration of this new found energy, or newly discovered passion for fashion and art! This is just the beginning. I am so happy that you all are understanding my message behind these photos, my sharing of stories, the three-part-segment about my days a dancer. It's so incredible and also the synchronicities that we all have in common are OUTSTANDING! So many of you are coming to me with so very similar stories, your understanding, compassion, and love. It is the most incredible thing in this world!

I still do feel there is a more God-Energy hanging around, this month, for some odd reason. More so than that of the Goddess, yet I still have her in mind more so. It almost feels like inside myself on a molecular level, I'm trying to balance the duality within again. I had it balanced once, it got thrown off balance, got it back in balance and now it's kind of going all sorts of which ways!

I have so much running through my head at this moment. So many ideas, things I could create, things I want to do, projects that I want to start. It's truly amazing! I'm still wondering if Mercury retrograde has opened this door, I'm still not sure. The Ouija Sex-Board is even calling to me. Not for use but for my own collection and pictures.

Ever since I started the Goddess candle for Aphrodite, Venus, this strong energy from the Goddess has inspired me so much. I keep getting inspired by each synchronistic event that happens. Being a Virgo, I am not that sexual of a person. I have my ups, downs, trials and tribulations just as any other male or female would have. This energy though, that's coursing through me is just too intense to ignore. I keep feeling it pulling me closer and closer in, closer to a source of power, of light, love and love.

I feel so much from Venus, Aphrodite, Azazel and Pan. The energy from all of these different facets of Source/God/Spirit is so strong right now. I can't help but wonder what will this bring? I was very hesitant at first to even put up these sorts of pictures or even talk of this subject matter. With the help of everyone from my Channel, my FRIENDS, not fans, I hate the word fan, you guys have helped me even more to know it's OK to open myself up MORE and explore.

I'm still learning that it's ok for me to ask for help as well! It's all becoming so much more easier to do, all because of you guys! I really hope this journey is just beginning because I really am loving it. Not just the new found source of inspiration but the sensuality and sexuality within this. It's sacred, sacred to nature, sacred to life. It in itself is a sacred act, sex is very special and sacred.

Masturbation is even a very sacred thing, I believe. The act of building up your sexual energy and releasing it towards you intended target, spell, or goal, just amazes me. I have done sex magick in the past with amazing results at that! It's also MORE than just the physical act of touching oneself, or " getting off ", " rubbing one out ". It just feels so much more sacred now.

I actually have a short " spell " or " ritual " that I did blog and tell you guys about but I'd really like to bring that ritual to life! I want to see that spell used by many! With the right focus and intent, through sex Magick, or sensual types of Magick, I think things could improve for the greatest good!

So, let me go back a few nights ago with my vision....


It all takes place in a tent, lush velvet throw pillows thrown around, tapestry's hanging on the walls like that out of the Middle East. Incense bellows out of this small Tee Pee shaped tent. Women and Men of all draped in lush garments.

A man approaches me with glowing blue eyes. He undresses me, sets me back down and wraps a black, silk robe around me, attached is a hood. He lifts the hood above my head, ever so gently. He steps back and I peek open my eyes, he's smiling at me. I see him coming towards me once again, this time with the Jar filled with Blue Blood.

He whispers in my ear " everything is ok relax ", so I did as he said and relaxed. I shut my eyes and felt his finger on my forehead. I feel the thick, warm blood drip down my nose, to the top of my lip. He takes his tongue and licks it off very gently.

Now I feel him pressing his fingers against my chest with the warm, thick blue, blood. He marks me in all sorts of ways. He takes the pot of blood back into the tent. Now he stands me up. He kisses my forehead, my third eye, my throat, my heart Chakrah, my Navel, My pelvic area and then a kiss on the tops of each of my hand.

As quickly as he came, he disappears back into the tent. I see the tent start to fade away, as if it were all a mirage. Now I only see him, I see those eyes through the cloak he has on, he smiles, tall, dark, skin glowing white. He fades away off into the distance.

This has got to be some sort of Ritual in Pagan culture. I'm so curious as to the origins of my visions, I'm still in the process of researching this rite, the symbolism, all of it. There has to be more to it than just this. So, who wants to follow me on this journey? This journey is about self-expression, self-acceptance, loving yourself for YOU and being comfortable in the skin you were given!

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