*WARNING* ADULT CONTENT: " An Encounter with Ol' Horney "

Ok this blog is straight from my FetLife page. this page is to express, fetishes, sexual desires, etc.. AND... i'm kind of creeping too LOL.. but the stories are AMAZING.. i was INSPIRED by some of them and in turn wrote this RAUNCHY, rude, male on male, pretty much porn short story/thought! Please make sure you are 18+ ! This is for ADULTS. Adult Entertainment..
So as of late all of my spiritual RITUALS have been all sexual. My daily SPIRITUAL practices of; yoga, prayer, magick work is all normal, yet night falls and something inside me wakes up and gets a taste for blood.
Early mornings I hear the Wee Ones whisper, frolick around, giggle. The day goes by but as the night gets more mature, the primal animal inside comes out. It comes out in spurts, it has a pattern. This " Episode " lasts for a good month and a half. It ironically falls on the months of Mercury Retrograde, which does have a great impact on Virgos. Once it's all said and done it's over. I'm back to a balanced human being.
As night falls and all fades away visions of him come. He's such a man of gigantic proportions. Every inch of his body is pure muscle. He comes to me as the Cunning Man, Azazel and Pan. I crave these visitations, it's almost like a drug. The thirst for sexual bliss in an altered state of consciousness is the most erotic thing one can ever feel, physically.
For instance.. Pan comes to me behind the giant pine trees, sometimes in them, for their large and can fit a small shack. During these visitations he will kiss me, touch me, rub me all over. I yearn for his hard, long, large cock throbbing inside my tight ass.
he loves to fuck me back and forth beyond the giant pines.. He tells me incantations and spells as he makes love to me. He turns me around as he sits in a Baphometic position, slides me slowly onto his throbbing, red cock, and makes me ride him. Over and over he means and I moan. I feel him burst inside me. As he cums inside of me, filling my entire tight ass up, with his Divine Fluids.. Making me feel warm and in ecstasy.
I learn so much through these Divine acts of love. I gain so much knowledge during this time of the darker moons, Mercury Retrograde. It's a very tough time though, I will never lie. Once Mercury is out of retrograde, I will be balanced once again.
Here is a link to my fetlife if you are interested in this type of thing! it's sort of empowering...

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