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~ Lilith's Ritual ~

The men are standing out by the fire, night falls with a dense energy. It's very calming, the breeze is blowing untamed across the fields, blowing the men's garment's back. It's getting heated as I walk closer to the group of friends I see ahead. I'm dressed in my robe as well, like them, they see me coming and nod. I get welcomed with 5 kisses from each of the 5 men. A 5 stared kiss. Something Heathen and Pagan.

I enter into the small gathering, Lilith's altar is lit up with a roaring fire. Small bottles, bowls and dishes lay about. I see some gags, chains, harness's, feathers and fetishes. It's a very intense, sexual ritual for her, to really transform and conquer all the inner demons into strength. Her altar is beautiful. The men are beautiful, we are all ready to honor Lilith in a very subtle, " night out " type of way. A " guys night out " if you will.

It may be jammed packed with sexual advances, behavior and pure primeval energy, but it's point punches you. We're sipping cocktails of some sort, it's sacred to Lilith. Lush pillows of gold, silver, purples and greens, tons of lace adorn the pillows. It looks Moroccan. It's pure beauty.

We're all lying down talking and speaking our wishes to Lilith as if she's here with us. An intense beam of light, mimicking the sun's rays through the rain, blue in color, cascades down from above and onto us. We've said the Invocation of Lilith, lit our candles, lit our incense. Each of us are up and about doing our own petitions to Lilith, the fire, throwing our bad habits away, ill energy.

All my anger is gone now, I'm at peace, blissful. I have no worries, everything is ok and I know I'm gone, The world goes on just fine. All the men are done now with their petitions, as well as myself. Now we need and want to raise our energy for Lilith and send it out with directed Will. One by one myself and the 5 other men are wearing nothing, the breeze sends chills down my body. It feels really good. All senses are heightened.

We get down on all fours and form a circle. Eating each other's Ass holes, licking and sucking, in this giant circle. Pushing back and forth, it's all so synchronized and orderly. It feels amazing, you can feel the energy going through us, all linked together.

We play with each other's dicks, cupping balls, licking balls, sucking cock tips. It's all so amazing and blissful. Lilith is appearing in the fire as we continue our sexual advances. She appears as a woman, heavily breasted, beautiful! It's so hot in here, so sweaty, sticky. All of the men sticking together. It feel so good though you just give in.

We all stand up, some stay seated, we're all either being plowed in the ass by a cock or sucking a dick, licking balls and sitting on faces. Leather Harness's of Lilith's adorn us. We use our whips, with gentle force, lightly tapping each other's balls, ass's, rubbing thighs. The energy is almost built up, the entire ritual is going to end and it's been amazing.

We all get back into the 5 man circle, this time sucking each other's cocks. Now the energy is boiling and about to erupt. All the men moaning, the smell of men sweating, it's so mesmerizing, we all begin to cum. Each of us cum continuously. We keep going back and forth, from man to man, we all know each other.

We continue going back and forth cumming in each other. Being fucked and burst into our asses. It feels like we are in a heavenly dimension. Lilith is looking very pleased. She tells us to clean up and get our robes back on. She's blessed us as she has said in the past. She has a smile, which is so good in most cases.

She tells me that " A few of you are not like the rest. You listen better. You are different. Some of you. " I'm not so sure what she means. She orders each of us to bend over and she takes her nail, scratching a very light mark upon our ass.

We are blessed, protected and safe for now, the time being. Energy beings of her sort do change. She ensures this though, for quite some time she will shield and guide. One candle a month is all she asks. Her joys are acts of love, worship is making love and marrying within nature. Sinking into it's love and healing energy.

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