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~ Abracadabra ~ Manifesting

Good Morning everyone! I hope you all had a great nights sleep, filled with amazing, mystical and extraordinary dreams. So yesterday for Witchy Wednesday I did a video about using Abracadabra as a charm/spell. I feel since we've been working so much with our shadow self, or at least I have been that it's time for a small change. Just to bring in some good energy, or whatever it is that you may be in need of.

Abracadabra is the Hebrew word for " invoking the aid of helpful spirits against disease, death, and misfortune. Used for curing ague and fevers as a charm bag. For illness you write ABRACADABRA on a piece of paper, I prefer parchment paper, any paper will do. You fold the paper into the shape of a cross, folding it AWAY from you, for you are repelling the illness or disease. You wear this small charm around your neck for 9 days. On the 9th day you're going to want to take the charm to a crossed roads or a running body of water, anywhere AWAY from your house. Toss the charm behind you and DO NOT look back.. You've just released your illness, sickness or disease within your body. Always make sure to FIRST and foremost get MEDICAL attention FIRST.

You can engrave this symbol on an inverted, white triangle stone. ABRACADABRA = " It will be created in my words "

So for those of us that are going to be using this charm for reasons other than health, disease or sickness first decide upon the intent of your working. What is that you want to manifest? So we have our intent set for the spell/charm.

Now for me I won't do an entire ritual for this at all. I will simply set down in front of my altar, possibly light some candles for the Witchmother and Witchfather, I will however lay a compass round. I will also invite any beneficial energies in with me, like my ancestors for that extra boost. This is just a generalized outline of this spell.. You can do MORE research about this charm within ceremonial magick and Hoodoo traditions.

We've decided our intent, we've layed our compass and invited in the Witchfather and Witchmother, and other energies that we feel are going to help us. Now it's time to get to work. So, simply relax, stair at the sigil, the Abracadabra and let the image fade in and out. You will eventually see the image appear and then re-appear again, this is normal and natural. Your subconscious mind is soaking up the image and it's meaning, it's purpose and intent.

Now it's time to raise a little energy so we can direct it into our charm, with focused will and power. So depending on your intent of the spell/charm you can get as creative as you'd like with this. Come up with a chant/rhyme that is short, simple and in direct correlation with your intent. If you're not sure what to actually say, you can either chant

" It will be created in my words "

and visualize what it is that you are manifesting, bring to you, bringing down into your life. Once you feel you've raised enough energy, you've got the energy swirling around you, inside of your compass. Direct that energy straight into the charm/spell paper. Always, always make sure to visualize the END result, as if it's already yours because well, it IS already yours.

For me personally I created a charm I showed you all in my video. I had put a few herbs in there, a stone, a little bit of my own blood. I remember now that I did this manifesting spell/charm to see the beauty in life, the love and all the glory in this universe. I look back at it now and I see the results of this spell working PERFECTLY.

So that is it guy's and gal's! This is so simple, yet so powerful and effective. Get creative with this! Use whatever outline you are comfortable with. Use whichever deities you feel comfortable with. Remember to have fun with this. This is a group spell/experiment. If you have any further questions regarding this spell please don't hesitate to send me an email or message me on my public page.

Happy Manifesting!

Ah, yes, I did forget! Did we want to choose a specific date for this ?

Abracadabra Video Above

( Abracadabra being used as a charm bag )

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