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* Sensual Spiritual Inspiration *

I woke up pretty early this morning. Cracking and eye open to see the glistening sun peeping through my window. I'm not sure if the sun was setting or coming up. I closed my half opened eye once again to get a few more winks. Well, that was the plan anyway. First of all, It was steaming hot under my comforter. The heat radiating from my sun burnt body creating almost a sauna in my small cocoon. I couldn't bare the heat any longer. Ripping off my boxers and tank top, letting the fan blow full force across my sweating body. It feels incredible! Kundalini seems to be pretty strong during the very early morning hours, I can feel it waking up. It coils around my base Chakra and starts to throb and pulsate. I feel these small electrical pulses shooting up from my base chakra all the way up my spine. Small pulses of of what feels like blood rushing up my back, my entire center is completely warm. I feel at peace, at bliss, euphoric.

I feel the room start to shift. It's not a physical shift but more of an energy or presence that's eased it's way into the bedroom. Making it that much more erotic, that much more sensual. It almost feels forbidden. Like I'm not supposed to be feeling these feelings, but I do know it's right, it feels right and so I follow my intuition and go with it. It feels as if the room starts to darken and get erratically bright. This strange phenomenon keeps repeating itself until I finally open my eyes.

I open my eyes and find myself lying on the same beach that I was taken to by the " Dream Man ". I take a look around and everything is exactly the same as it was when I had left with the " Dream Man ". The statues with the crystals atop their heads still stand, forming the iridescent Pentagram on the separate Island right off the beach. The water still so beautiful and magickal, Azule blue. The sand is still as white as snow and feels like flour between my toes and feet. I take a few deep breaths, really focusing my breath into my center. I can feel the sun beating down on me, warm and making my sweating body glisten. I could stay here forever I think to myself. It's like Shangrila, literally a heavenly dimension on Earth. Well, I'm guessing I'm still on Earth, really I'm not too sure.

I look around and I can't find this man of perfection that had escorted me here last time. I sort of get myself into a frenzy, not knowing where he is or where I am, I have no idea what to even do alone in this magickal place. I start to walk around, exploring the statues, examining the stones placed on top of their heads. Their faces are so stern, so very BDSM. I examine the statues closer and I see that their dick's are almost human. It's like something or someone had put a prosthetic cock on each one of them. They do move, they feel like a real cock, it's unimaginable.

After studying and examining the stone structures I decide to go into the waters, trying to make my way back across to the island. It seems a lot more difficult without the help of the " Dream Man ". I'm not levitating, I'm walking in plane water. I am the only person on this island, that I know of. I hope so, I am completely naked and without my " dream man " I feel a bit uncomfortable yet I know I'm safe.

The water comes up to just about the bottom of my balls. I feel the water flowing between my legs, my dick hanging further down into the water than my balls. I love the feeling. I could frolic around in the water just feeling the sensations around my now throbbing cock. It's almost like I crave the water, something inside of me is wanting it so badly. I walk up to the Island and just stare at it in complete awe and shock. The pentagram glows a vibrant violet color this time. No other color but violet, like an amethyst in the sun, reflecting it's perfection onto a white, blank canvas or wall. I am still stunned by how remarkable this place is. All the colors, the smells, the statues of old Pagan Gods. It's truly a paradise.

I step up onto the island, the flour like sand sticking to my wet lower body. My legs and balls are covered in sand. I examine the area that my " dream man " had performed the ritual on me. Everything is still the same. The stone slab altar is still there, the chains and straps laying on the slab still. The different dildos and phallic objects still adorn the area. I find a very calming yet pleasing sensation come over me. I feel ok now, I feel fine that my " dream man " isn't there. I know he wouldn't let me come here if it weren't safe, or would he?

On the stone slab is a hand written letter, it's corners ruffling in the breeze, held down by a silver dagger. I pick up the letter and on this letter are instructions for me FROM.... my " dream man ". The letter reads as follows....

" My lover, my child, I leave you here alone, naked and afraid, that I knew you would be. You're brave and come so far. Now it is up to you to continue your journey through this magickal land. I am still with you, over seeing all you're doing, yet I won't intervene. It's your time right now, go and explore. Here is all I ask of you on this journey by yourself here today. These are very simple instructions yet profound and powerful. These steps I am about to provide you with are vital to your growth, your shadow self. You're still exploring your shadow self I know and this is good. You still have demons that need transmuted into Daemons. So please for your own well being, spiritual, mental and physical health, follow these steps very carefully. "

" 1. I want you to take the face mask and put it on. I want you to feel good doing so, as if I were there doing it for you. Please be good and do as I say. Feel those feelings of lust and love inside of you as you put this mask on. The mask is a representation of shutting out the outside noise and clutter, it prepares you for enlightenment. Like that of being in the mother's womb. You will resurface. Now, put the mask on and know I am watching, so you can put on a show for me. "

I take the mask, slide it over my head. I stand there for a minute adjusting the mask. I then start to caress my neck, massaging my shoulders, down my arms. I pull on my nipple rings, rub them and caress them. I take my finger and lick it and rub each nipple. I can almost feel the " dream man " watching with an eager cock. I start to rub my abs, rubbing the sweat in as sexually as I can, I know he's still watching. I start to bend over and let my body relax, as if I'm going to start doing yoga. I touch the tops of my feet, running my finger tips up my legs, all around the inside of my thighs. I start to massage my balls and play with my dick a little. In my mind I'm hoping I'm pleasing him and doing exactly what he says.

" 2. My child, you still have blockages in your base chakra, this is the reason for so much illness, so much pain and anger. You need to gently stir this energy around and get it to clear. I will guide you my child. Do you see the small ass plugs laying on the stone slab? I want you to take each one, there are six of them all in different colors; red, orange, green, blue and purple. They all represent you Chakra's and they are all imbued with the gentle energy to help move that blockage. Make sure you use each one and very thoroughly, I will be watching over you. "

Now this is what I'm liking and very much. Combining pleasure and Tantric moves to produce a spiritual desired effect. It's making a lot more sense, it's becoming a lot more clear. I start with the Red plug, I prop myself up on top of the stone slab and insert the 3 inch plug into my tight ass. It feels amazing! Whatever sort of energy that was imbued within these plugs are incredible. It's something I've never felt before. I take my hands and spread my legs apart, having them propped up enough so I can easily slide a plug inside myself. I gently massage the red plug around my ass. The sensations are amazing, the plug gives off so much energy, such a vibration it's phenomenal. The more I move the red ass plug into me the better the energy feels within my base chakra.

Now I move on to the orange plug. I set the red plug aside and I gently slide the orange one inside of myself. This one feels a little bigger, about 4 inches and has a very healthy girth to it. I really start to pleasure myself now. I can feel the ass plug going just a bit further up inside of me, it reaches just to my pelvic bone. Giving chills of ecstasy throughout my entire insides. My ass quivers with excitement, it's almost hitting my G-Spot and I am no where near ready to cum yet.

I gently remove the orange plug from me and set it aside. I reach for the yellow one. The yellow plug is even larger, around 6 inches, even thicker. I lay myself back and prop my legs up for some extra added pleasure. I gently slide the yellow plug into my ass. I try going deeper but it's as if " dream man " won't let me, he's holding me back. I feel so much peace. Serenity is found within the fire. It's hot, intense, precise and sharp. I love this one. My entire center is aligned now. I feel whole, I feel complete in a way but not finished by far.

I come to the last one, the Purple Ass Plug. This isn't a plug it's his dick. My dream man has come back. He looks me in the eyes, his eyes are so damn blue. He takes me up from behind and levitates me up in the air with him. Once again I feel complete and whole. He's got me from behind, intruding my ass with his cock. I start to moan as he reaches around and strokes me. I feel his cock start to buldge and throb even harder in me. I know he's about to explode and so am I. I feel him pump his cum into me. Filling me up entirely with his hot cum.

His ambrosia and my cum start to take form around us, gravity has no place here. It starts to form this massive ball, bits and fragments of pictures of different men, gods, statues and paintings. I see visions of the constellations, the stars, galaxies and multiverses. It's all so phenomenal and explainable.

The things I saw needed written down. So, if not here where? At least I'm not dull and boring... or normal at that. :)

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