On Stage

It's around 3 AM and I'm completely obliterated, on another planet, planet X. I'm on stage giving my performance. You get two songs for each guy, my song starts and I jump up onto the stage. Your first song you tease and play, wrapping yourself around the pole like a snake. It's so amazing and electrifying. The atmosphere is very smoking, dang, like a small jute joint. The look is very Jazzy and bluesy, looks can be deceiving tho that's for sure. All the flashing lights on you, you're put up on a pedestal for all these men and women to watch. It's intoxicating and can be pretty addicting. You have to learn to go in the right direction of performance art, dancing and stripping.
The entire stage has 3 parts to it. The first part being the main stage, with the largest pole, front and center, this pole is a LOT closer to the edge of the actual stage than all others. This is so during your first song you can tease and play with the horny, drunk men going by. There's a shower in the very back with mirrors surrounding the shower and it's usable. The left stage is a few inches above the center stage, it just overlaps so you can jump from all three poles while you're dancing. This stage is a bit smaller than the central. There are tons of mirrors surrounding all three stages.
The stage to the right has the stairs that lead down, off the stage itself. Also a very small platform that is quite a bit higher than the other three, just to sit and let people go by and touch you, caress you, slip dollars into your G-String. It's a really " snowy " night this night. Also a bit snowy outside as well, no metaphor in that one. My first song is about over and I now I have my shirt off. Your first song you always take your shirt off, in this joint anyway. I'm hanging from the center pole at the very top upside down. I threw my shirt down to one of the other dancers.
I slowly slid down the pole and let the now groups of drunk men grope me and rub me. My second song starts and I have to get back up. I love doing yoga poses on a dancing pole, I have no idea why. It really strengthens your core and builds muscle. I'm mid-air with a ton of these drunk guys NOT being able to touch me, which makes them made and it makes me kinda laugh. I found pleasure in it. I loved to tease them a lot.
I make my way over to the other two poles, crawling and rolling over. Lying on the stage, leaning off the front and sides. I jump up on the pole nearest to the edge and let one man, very handsome and stunning, take off my pants with his teeth. He went with my song playing, the music and poses had some meaning behind the drugs and fun.
He about rips the crotch of my pants out, so I unzip them and he takes them down the rest of the way with his teeth. He slips a $50 into my g-string. I'm wearing my zip up jock strap. One of my favorites. One man slips a $20 in and asks me to rub my dick in his face, so I do. Another wants my ass in their face, the private sessions are even more intense.
The glamour and feeling of being " a star " was pretty deceiving in this specific establishment. I do wish it would have worked out. It could have led to amazing and true performance art and dancing. I still have the urge inside of me to get back on that stage.......
To be continued.....