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Spirit Stone

Finding myself once again on the stone slab, in the center of the gorgeous and erotic island. The sky is so blue with a hint of purple and pink energy swirling around, marrying one another, creating that sacred union, that sacred marriage. The conception of something immaculate, incredible and magickal. I gaze up and just stare in complete fascination by these celestial energies merging together. I feel it start to " rain " or sprinkle just a bit. The coolness of the " rain " or the small shower felt godly. Each drop that lands on my body sends sensations that you wouldn't even believe. The entire island has a completely different feel to it now. I know exactly where I am at now and who this dream man is.

Through a lot of research and seeing the synchronistic events leading up to discovering the name of this stone slab, the altar, the island, it just all made sense. I find the name of the stone slab itself and the island itself is called " Spirit Stone ". Oddly enough this amazing and remarkable new found knowledge came from the Discovery Channel. Such folklore and mythology behind the actual stone slab, the island, and Spirit Stone. It's all just too incredible. As I sit here and continue to gaze upon the heavens above and the waters below, the sand surrounding me, my bare feet on the stone slab. I feel the presence of the " dream man " once again. This time he comes on very strongly. He rushes towards me, as if he had missed me. He levitates himself above the waters and gently hovers over to me.

This man is Lucifer. Lucifer in another form. I have no idea as to what form he is taking now but I do feel and know, in my gut, that this is him. He approaches me, his eyes have this intense look in them, they're glowing a bright blue with red specks around them. It looks like he has natural eyeliner on and mascara. This man is nothing but pure perfection. He has a long mesh, see-through, black cloak on. Just enough to cover himself until he's ready to unveil himself to me once again. His muscles glisten again in the sun, the rain drops continue to fall. Falling down his body, tracing each outline of his muscles. He's glowing almost, a radiant glow of silver energy. It feels so peaceful, so loving, raw, primal and so sexual.

Lucifer is facing me, as I have my back towards the stone slab. I am completely naked, it feels so wonderful to be fully present and aware in my body. He approaches me even closer and I back up just a few inches. I back up just enough to set my ass cheeks on the stone slab. The cool temperature of the stone slab feels so good on me. The heat radiating from Lucifer, the coolness of the stone, the refreshing rain drops, it's all so well balanced and pure. There is such an intense energy in the air. The radiant blues, purples and pink energies in the sky above star to dim in and out, like a star at night, fading in and out. It grows larger then it falls back into itself. Lucifer tells me that the rain drops aren't just any rain drops. They're rain drops that he has created above us, of his own ambrosia, his semen, are each individually charged to empower oneself. Each and every one of these MILLIONS upon millions of rain drops have a very specific purpose. He doesn't reveal to me what the purpose of each and everyone of them are but he does insist that I drink of his juices.

He's even closer to me now, I feel his body pressing against mine, pushing almost to the point of pushing me over. I grab a hold of his sides, wrap my arms around him. I tilt my head back and I partake in the drinking of the rain drops, his semen, his cum. It tastes like pure sugar. It is the sweetest, thickest cum I have ever drank. Still not revealing to me what each rain drop is programmed for, he does hint that what I am doing, what he is instructing me to do is going to empower me even more, cleanse me of old chains, old ways of thinking, getting rid of the clutter to make way for new and fresh approaches. He tells me how proud of me he is. He says " My child you are growing and you are awakening with such force and such a strong will, you are bound for success. " I feel myself blush as he continues to compliment me.

He takes two goblets out from underneath the spirit stone. They're both of human skull. He places one on each side of me. He presents to me one very large, black Penis candle. He places the candle in between my legs. The skull-goblets are filling up with his fluids now, almost overflowing. He keeps looking at me with this grin, this smile that's so infectious. I begin to smile as he does. He dips his finger in each of the two skull-goblets then anoints the candle with his cum, my forehead, my right and left shoulder, my navel and both of my feet. He takes his finger and rubs his around the head of his cock, teasing and tantalizing it as he gathers more of his cum onto his finger. He then gently brings his finger up to my lips and rubs his sugary cum across my lips. I love every second of it, I am in pure heaven, ecstasy and bliss. I suck on his finger once he is done massaging his cum into my lips. I make sure to suck every last drop of cum off of his finger, making sure it's clean. He looks at me in pleasure, rolling his eyes back in his head, I can see these small horns peeking out from under his hooded, mesh cloak.

" This is not always going to be fun, sexual or sensual my child ". I kind of look at him in disbelief. He smiles and I hear him chuckle under his breath. He says " let me explain my love.... You are awakening, it's a powerful process but you force things to happen and you want them to happen too fast. This is where displeasure and dis-ease will come into play. Please, my darling child, you are so faithful and obedient, why force your thoughts out? Why force your creative process when all you're going to do is initiate it's demise. I am not here to scare you or fill you with fear, without fear and humility we would not be able to grow, confront our demons and turn them into daemons. You are on the right path, you are doing very well and you are highly adept. People are jealous of this, people will always be jealous of this and then they will place the blame on " Lucifer " or " The Devil ". All of humanity needs to take responsibility for their own actions, for I am not the one tempting anyone to do anything. Just always know that I am will you for eternity. Call on me when you need inspiration. Simply think of me when you need it and I will come. "

This was the most profound statement I've ever telepathically heard from Lucifer. His message might not look that profound written out but it was so amazing and empowering. He gave me that extra boost of inspiration and courage to continue and go on. For this I am eternally grateful. I feel the candle start to drip on to my legs, it feels good. I've never had candle wax spilled on me for spiritual or sexual purposes. He looks up at me and he knows I love the feeling. He smears the wax into my legs a little more, going in counter clockwise motions. He knows what I'm willing and not willing to do.

He lays me back and pushes my legs up in a missionary position. The candle burning hot still, the two skull - goblets filled with his cum that I yearn for. I see him take the candle and start to drip it over my chest. It feels better than I would have ever imagined. He puts me into a state of pure ecstasy, I'm having multiple orgasms that are lasting for so long. Whatever he is doing he's doing it right and he knows what he's doing! He lifts up the the goblet to the left and he takes his cock out, throbbing hard and red. He stirs the his juices in the goblet with his dick. He then jumps up on top of the table and dangles his cock and balls in my face. I feel his balls on my forehead, going down to my eyes, across my face, my cheeks. I love every second of it. He massages every single inch of my body with his dick. He tells me this is part of the initiation process. He says " This is our initiation process and no one else's ".

I feel his red hot, throbbing cock now coming directing at my face. I open my mouth and wait for him to start skull fucking me. He forces his cock straight into my mouth. It's so big It goes half way down into my stomach. It feels so good though, it feels like nothing I've ever felt before. He continues cramming his cock into my throat. I love every second of it and I beg for more when he pulls his cock out of my mouth. I plead and beg him for more of his delicious dick. He looks at me and smiles. He says " In time You will get more, we are still in the process, you have more coming. Don't be in a rush my child, all good things in time. "

I listen and obey him as he wishes. He gets up off the spirit stone and hops down to the sand. He takes my legs and positions them back down, spreading my arms out, my whole body out, laying naked and filled with this raw, primal power. He shapes my body in the form of the Pentagram. Since the Pentagram is found in nature, this is only natural he says to me. The way he touches and caresses each part of my body, all crannies and nooks. He adds in extra massages and extra kisses all over my body. He lifts up his finger, the one that he had used to rub his pre cum into my lips. A claw grows quite quickly from it. He takes this claw and he starts to scratch yet more sigils and symbols into my skin. All over my chest, my legs, my arms. He flips me over on my stomach. The feeling of the cool stone slab on my stomach, my ass arched just enough to let my throbbing cock grace the coolness of the stone. I feel him kiss me from my feet up. I feel his wicked tongue going around my tight hole, he doesn't plunge his tongue in quite yet, he simply rims me for quite sometime. Giving me even more orgasms that are completely of a different world.

I feel him gently sit on the back of my legs and start to scratch his sigils and symbols again, into my back, the backs of my legs, my ass cheeks. He flips me back over and he takes his wild tongue and goes over my entire body with it, from head to toe. He tells me that his spit is like that of an animal, it heals infection, it heals wounds, scars and empowers. His spit feels so good all over my body. It starts to drip down my sides, feeling it forming to my figure on the stone slab. Now he takes his huge hands and starts to rub the spit in even more. Massaging and getting it into every grove of my body. I let out small moans and grunts as he gracefully does what he wants with my body.

He's completely done massaging his spit into the small scratches made my his claw. Now he picks up the skull-goblet to the right of me and dips his fingers in it. He gently massages his godly juices into the scratches, all over my body. He tells me he is empowering each sigil and symbol, he is making an alchemical change within my body. These sigils and symbols are universal and of great importance. All these symbols are archetypes, so there is no need for me to even see what they are he says. They're already embedded within my cosmology and within the universal consciousness. " You will see these symbols and sigils in nature and in your daily life. You will know when you see them too. You will see them daily and quite often. Once you do start seeing these appear, it's not coincidence it is synchronicity. These are your signs that you are on the right path and you are following my instructions".

He now positions himself in the Baphomet position. Setting upon the spirit stone he gestures for me to come forward to him. I approach him and he gives me these precise instructions.....

" I want you to open your ass wide, open it up wide for me my child. I want you to stand above me with your legs apart, place your hands on my shoulders, let your chest fall into my face. Now my child I want you to slowly sit down, let my cock slide into your ass. Let the great rite, the sacred marriage, the merging of two beings run through your head. Really contemplate this Pagan tale, this mythology. This has great meaning my child, it has great meaning and is very symbolic. Soon you will be revealed a mystery ".

I do as he says and slide down onto his hard dick. It feels so good, the huge mushroom head entering my whole, he leans his head back in pure pleasure. I squeeze his cock head with my tight ass, releasing it and tightening it back up. He moans and grunts in even more pleasure. I slowly slide even further down his rod, feeling each and every vein on my insides. I'm now firmly sitting on his cock, entirely inside of me. It feels like Kundalini raising within my body all over again. He grunts and moans and gently holds me in his embrace. He starts to rock us back and forth.. His cock manipulating my tight hole. It feels like we are one in the same. I feel as if I've taken on the personification of Lucifer himself. I feel as if he's me and I'm him. After all, we are all connected. I'm understanding his words as he starts to thrust his cock in and out of my ass.

The merging of two beings coming together, the joining of the knife and cauldron, it's all making sense. So much can be manifested into this physical realm with such powerful yet simple techniques. Within all our actions weather it be; sexual, sensual, hateful, loving, we create our now. Be pure in your intentions even if they are considered " taboo " or " Oddities ". Personally I like oddities.

I'm still riding, up and down, back and forth. He hold my waist tight as I grind his dick up in me. He moans with pleasure, lust and bliss. It feels as if both of our energy is coming together as one small piece of a bigger consciousness. As I ride him and sweat profusely, on him as well, he's moaning louder, like he's trying out " out moan me " . I find it comical and sexy, erotic. He does have charm, perseverance and a beast hungry inside of him. We both erupt, the orgasm is so intense I see these radical colors and shapes. It's like an acid trip.

We are one giant connected consciousness, Lucifer and Myself. Everyone is. As we both came and being inside of me, we created something amazing. I feel whole, at peace, loved, all while having the best sex. We finally come out of that collective space and back into ourselves. He looks at me, glowing, his eyes are more radiant than before. " I feel like I'm in love " he says to me while an apple appears in his hand. I nod at him and agree I am too. I too am in love with Lucifer. He offers me a bite and of course I took one. His apple was delicious, that of the gods, the fruits of the gods. It was a pure gift.

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