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Cord and Mirror *Signed Lucifer*

I'm back on Spirit Stone, the sacred place Lucifer had taken me to initiate me, in our own way, in his own way. The place is as beautiful as ever. The Energy above us radiates with shimmers of golds, silvers, colors of Angels. The island is so hot it's steaming. The steam coming from the cooler waters creates a mist surrounding the entire island and the Spirit Stone within the center, it is absolutely breath taking. I feel Lucifer's presence around me, I know he's here somewhere I just don't know where. I don't feel compelled to look for him I know he will come find me when the time is right. I gaze out at the statues that still surround the island, as beautiful as ever. All of the fixed crystals atop of their heads are now glowing a deep red, almost the color of amber in the heart of a fire. The statues have taken on a more life-like feel to them, as if they're empowered even more, with some type of energy. I don't question it like Lucifer said in the last vision, I just go with it, I observe it and go about my way through the island.

There are so many new caves and different huts now around the island, like people have started to settle and merge into the island, creating a new beginning for themselves and their families. I am not told this, I just feel this in my gut, my intuition tells me this. I feel as if these aren't people that are moving in, merging and beginning their lives but other spiritual or Angelic beings. The huts are like that off of a TV show. The structure made of mud, bits of anything they can find to weave intriguingly through the foundations of the house. The roofs are that of a palm leaf, dried palm leafs. Each one has sigils and symbols woven very delicately into the tops of the roofs. I am finding almost a whole new colony here. One that is of pure energy, from source, Spirit or God, whichever you prefer to call the Universal Source. I notice sounds coming from a few of the huts. I don't dare over step my boundaries or intrude on them but I do sort of creep up and listen for just a second. The sounds coming from the huts are that of men, women, women and men, all merging together in sacred sexual acts. They're all reenacting different mythical and folklore tales and legends. The moans, the love making, the steam and the sweet smell of this sacred act fills my nostrils. I am overwhelmed by the sense and smells of the copulation going on.

I lightly tip toe backing up away from the huts, leaving them all make love in peace. I don't even know if they know I'm here. I see these totems lying around on the ground. Some of them I've seen before, such as Tiki men or guardians. Some of the others are very foreign to me. I have no idea what they are. I do pick up this small statue. It's of a man with horns, sitting Indian style, and a giant penis erect in his lap. I know this is my sign, my clue that Lucifer/Pan, The Horned One, The Bucca is here and he is waiting for me. I feel it in my entire being, I hear his call and yearn for his love. His soft yet firm and masculine touch. His amazing lips all over my body, his thirsty cock awaiting my tight ass. Sweat is dripping off of every inch of my body as I walk the island searching for, well I don't know what for. I'm just taking my time wondering along the shore, examining the place in it's entirety once again. Each time I'm taken back here new things are shown to me. New magickal practices are taught to me.

I see Lucifer, I actually feel him first. I feel his energy all the way to him. It's out of this world, extraordinary. His energy in my mind's eye looks like a giant golden rope that is connected to my belly button, or just below it, connecting us in some way. An etheric cord perhaps? I let this golden thread pull me in closer and closer to him. I see him now off in the distance, it's still a long ways from myself to him, the cord is getting shorter though. I see a gorgeous stone grove, almost like a shrine you'd erect a statue in for a Saint or a God. The moss and ivy grow so beautifully over the top of this grove inside the side of the hill. I see Lucifer standing there, his black mesh robe on, glistening as he hovers above the trickling waterfall. He always has the most radiant glow about him, this time I see his Halo, his wings show themselves then disappear. His wings are an iridescent color, almost rainbow and very translucent. I notice that the cord connecting Lucifer and myself has dissipated. I am not standing right in front of him in all his glory. I get down on my hands and knees and kiss the tops of his feet, out of respect and in admiration. He shifts his body down to me, takes his finger and lifts my chin " I've been waiting my child " he intoned with an incredibly husky rough voice. He kisses me on the forehead, each of my shoulders, my lips, my pelvis and then the tops of my feet. I'm feeling as if this is a way of greeting someone ( a Spirit, God or Archetype ) in some older and more primitive cultures and religions.

He has two tools with him and that is for this lesson he tells me. " Two tools is all you are going to need for this and from this my child I want you to perform this with me here, so I can instruct you correctly, then I will have you perform this as a ritual or rite, whatever you choose to do, in the mundane realm". He presents to me a black silk cord, 13 inches in length, about 2 inches in girth. It has woven throughout the cord small strands of silver/god. As if it was a part of the cord that connected Lucifer and myself upon finding him at the waterfall. He now presents a small handled mirror. The mirror is all black, black handle, black frame, black mirror. " These are two of my most important tools I give you thee. For ye will learn from me for an eternity".

I am in complete awe over the beauty of these two VERY basic and simple tools. I do not know what it is about these things that are so mundane and basic, that seems so magickal. Lucifer hands me the cord and tells me to tie nine knots evenly through the cord, starting with a knot on each end. Then he instructed me to tie the remaining seven knots evenly between the two at the ends. He tells me to add a small charm to each of the nine knots. He does not specify in anyway shape or form what types of charms to embed/merge with my cord. I have a gut feeling that these charms should be a representation of my journey, my path, my accomplishments, also our connection Lucifer and I. Lucifer looks up at me and smiles " Yes, that is exactly what I would suggest you do, use your gut and follow your intuition, it will not steer you wrong". I smiled so big as he just read my mind. He smiles right back at me and kisses me so softly on the lips, it sends me into a full body orgasm.

We sit down in the sand, still feeling like flour, it sticks to our bodies as we sit and start to breathe together. He grabs my hands, my left hand on the top of his right hand, my right hand on the top of his left hand. It's so symbolic and fascinating the way he is positioning us. I am so intrigued and I want to know exactly what it is that he is doing, he says in a low voice " don't question just do. All answers will come in time my child". We're both facing each other, our breath slowing, coming into sync and merging with one another. We open our eyes at the exact same time. He instructs me to take the cord and wrap it around his red hot cock. I take the cord up from the sand, as the knots have already been tied and wrap it around his gorgeous, god-like penis. He lets out a grunt and moan of pleasure as I tighten it up just a bit. His cock is so large and has so much girth to it that the cord doesn't even begin to cover even 1/2 an inch of his monstrous cock.

Lucifer now gestures for me to come and sit on him once again. He says that he wants to make me explode with pure Ecstasy. He wants me to release my juices into the cord, into each knot, to make it my own, to empower it and merge our energies together to create something even more powerful. I instantly jump right on to his cock, I let him plunge his dick right into my tight ass. I ride him like he's a horse, he enjoys every second of it. Letting out laughter, grunts and moans of pleasure. I continue to ride him as hard as I can, feeling his gigantic penis into me, going up my spine, sending electrical jolts throughout my entire body. He tells me very softy " I want you to visualize your new identity, your new life into this world. You need dedicate yourself to your path and now is the time. Let the old ways fall away and let the new come rushing in, accept it and it will be pleasurable and gentle, reject it and you will be in for one hell of a ride". I focus on my new beginning, my merging with Lucifer and my self-dedication into my path. I see all the amazing things that have happened since beginning my path, flashing before my eyes in micro seconds. I ride him even harder and harder. Rocking back and forth on his dick, he moans and grunts like a wild animal. He grabs my cock and he starts to stroke it. His manly hands grabbing my shaft and stroking me from the bottom of my balls to the mushroom of my head. This is the most incredible feeling in the world, I tell him. He starts to jerk and convulse, letting out screams and moans of a wild beast. I start to moan as he strokes my throbbing cock even harder. He makes me groan and grunt like a wild animal as well, I feel that beast inside me coming out, It's coming and it's coming out quick. I feel him erupt inside my ass like a volcano. His hot, thick, sugary ambrosia filling me entirely. Leaking out of my tight ass, onto the cord. I let out a huge moan and start to shake uncontrollably. He slides his hand to the very base of my cock and makes me erupt in pure passion and bliss. I shoot my hot fluids all over his face, dripping down his lips my cum looks so good on him. It turns me on even more seeing it drip and merge together with his own.

The cord starts to glow a golden huge, our cum has come together, merged and created a new beginning, an " Initiation " or a " self-dedication " process. " You are going to do this process with the cord, visualizing me, focusing on all the things you focused on here in this realm, Spirit Stone, in the mundane world. This is your dedication to your path, to yourself, to awaken you more. It is our connection. Please take care of this cord, create a special pouch for it and keep it close to you. Wear it when you feel afraid or dis - empowered, yet remember I am always with you even without these tools, so there is no need for fear''. I agree to what he has me doing on the mundane level. I really love his ideas, his ways of thinking. It feels like I am embodying the Archetypal energy of Lucifer through all of these procedures. It truly is a mystery in itself and the most profound and simple thing one can do.

Now he sets the cord aside, on a small stone inscribed with that of the maze of the God. He lights a very small black candle in the middle of the stone, with the cord coiled perfectly on the stone. He presents the black mirror to me. He asks me what it means to me. I tell him it's a tool used for scrying, to see the unseen, to see into other worlds and dimensions. Lucifer looks at me and smiles, he nods as if he's agreeing with me. He looks down at the mirror and then back up at me again, smiling, the constant smirk on his face is so intoxicating. He takes the mirror and has me look into it. I see visions of so many different dimensions. AKA the dimension my Grandmother is in, I see Heaven, I see other multiverses, galaxies, other worlds and planets. " This is your tool to keep in contact with me. You may forget what you see here and what you feel here. Simply gaze into the mirror and call upon me, think and make it your intention to gaze into the world of Spirit Stone. This island, this sacred place of ours".

He instructs me to draw his Sigil / Symbol into the back of the mirror with my cum, so I do so. He also does the same, giving it that much more power. He proceeds to bend me over and starts to rim my ass. It feels so heavenly. His tongue like a snake, roaming around my ass, inside and out, sucking and nibbling. He grabs my cock in his hand from behind, in his other hand is his own cock, he strokes us both. He's moaning and I'm moaning, grunting and groaning. So many sounds come out of our mouths that I've never heard before. I convulse and BURST even more cum onto the mirror, Lucifer starts to convulse and he erupts and pours his ambrosia onto the mirror. We both trace his sigil / symbol into the back of the mirror as he as said. " You are going to want to do this exact same procedure in the mundane world as well. This is also our connection. These two things have so much more power and meaning, and symbolism behind them that it will take quite some years for you to fully understand, merge and KNOWtheir every purpose and meaning".

We sit there just looking at each other in admiration. We're literally sitting there worshiping each other's body's. Soft strokes down our arms, gentle kisses and playful fondling. He fondles me and holds me, cuddles me and kisses me. I feel so safe and at home in his arms. What feels like hours upon ours of soaking up the sun and steam from the island, it turns out it's been 5 minutes. I remind him of this strange space/time continuum. " Time has no meaning in these dimensions my child, you will learn this sooner than later. You worry about time too much.. There's too little or too much time. Always remember time does not exist. I look up at him as he holds me in his arms embrace and smile. I run the idea of Mask Magick by him. I give him every single detail about what it is exactly, I am going to be doing with the mask. He looks at me in agreement. He tells " This way of merging two energies together, embodying my own Archetype is going to be so profound and so empowering for you and each of the participants. Don't worry about the time it should be done, again I want to tell you how important it is that you KNOW time has no meaning. This is also a hindrance to your growth and progression".

" Our time is about up my child ". Lucifer stands me up and looks me firmly in the eyes " Go on and spread my message, you do not have to share our sacred sex magick or sacred acts of love but if you choose to then do so. I do want people to know how loving and caring I am. For I am not evil nor to be feared. Now you have work to do son, please do these very simple tasks. They are very important ".

I hug Lucifer and kiss him softly on the lips as the island dissipates. I find myself back in my body. Full of energy, rejuvenation and life. I feel so empowered and determined to fulfill these simple tasks he asks of me. It all felt so real, vivid, lucid. It's like I was actually there and when I do come back into my body I have actually came, from the cumming in the visions, the sexual encounters. I also gain knowledge through this though. It's incredible. I'm so eager to merge with Lucifer on the Mundane. It's all very symbolic, as I read more into it. I can taste apples on my breath..

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