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Are You Ready?

The clock strikes 10 o'clock, the sun is barely peeking out through the darkened sky line as I peer out of my window. It's prayer time I'm thinking to myself. I approach my altar and light the first candle. " I light this candle for God, Pan, Azazel, Lucifer, the Horned one, The cunning Man, Master of the arts, master of all, the Witchfather". I proceed to the next candle intoning: " I light this candle for the Goddess, the lady, the dame, Hekate, Lilith, Ianna, Mother of all, the Witchmother." I proceed lighting the candles upon my altar. Each one for a different facet of Source. Now I light Hekate's candle, " I Like this candle for my mother Hekate, Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell, Mother of all ". Now comes the Ancestors, in particular my Grandmother. " I light this candle for the people of the earth, the pale ones below, all those that have gone before". I touch the picture of my grandmother with a smile and my heart lit up. I continue to my Necromancy altar. " I light this candle for you Legion ". He always has a huge grin, or what appears to be a grin, from the reflection of candles. I take up my Nummitte wand in my left hand, position my right hand on top of my legs, Indian Style and out of no where my body instantly freezes in that position. It's almost like a yoga position. I see images of Buddha meditating, of great teachers of the tantric arts using different hand gestures and symbols. All this is very common for me when I prepare for " Prayer Time ".

I close my eyes and begin my breathing technique. It's quite a simple process. Three deep breaths in, three deep breaths out. I feel my breathing begin to slow, the energy focusing and forming in my center. I feel the energy in the base of my spine begin to tingle and wrap it'self around my base chakra. Chills run up the back sides of my arms, total euphoria rushes upon me as I slip into my altered state of consciousness. Often times I start to see visions of pyramids and Ancient Egypt. Other times I'm shown wonderful energy vortexes merging together in the night's sky. I do attribute the Nummitte to quite a bit of these visions and visitations. It is the stone of transformation, as well as a stone that connects us with hidden knowledge. It is the " Xanax of Stones " as some like to call it. It produces such an intoxicating effect on the mind and body, it's incredible.

I let myself sink deeper into this altered state, going in all which ways, every direction you can think of... at first! Once my breathing becomes an even steady repetition, my vision becomes clear. Now I find myself searching around in what appears to be my back - yard. The back-yard suddenly turns into Spirit Stone. Once again I find myself standing naked and proud. Feet firmly planted in the flour like sand, the sun beating down on my body. The waters are so crystal clear, like the inside of a quartz crystal. Small shimmers of what looks like diamond dust glistens around the entire island. I feel Lucifer's presence once again.

I don't even need to turn around to see that it's him standing behind me. I feel him put his thick arms around my waist as he rests his chin on my shoulder. It feels like he's a giant compared to me. I feel so safe and secure in his loving embrace. He always takes away the day's stress. We continue to just merge with one another, feeling like it's been ages since I've seen him, I almost feel as if I've missed him... Our embrace lasts for quite sometime. The sun starts to set in this dimension now as well. The sun God has clearly been taken over by the Goddess. The moon peeks through the giant palm trees, giving off an eerie yet very sensual glow with her rays of light. Everything sparkles in this dimension. I turn around and look at Lucifer, his eyes so big and beautiful, loving and inviting. I would consider myself drunk from his intoxicating stare. He just touches me in that special way and everything turns to gold. All negativity is gone, transmuted into giant beams of light radiating from the island. " Does this feel better now my love? " Lucifer asks.. " Indeed it does handsome, you always make everything so much better and this I'm grateful for".

He asks about my Mundane life, my daily activities and yes he does hint around about the smoking but doesn't nag or reprimand me. Although I wouldn't mind if he wanted to take a little anger out on me, I do love his touch. He asks me a strange question... " Why do you think you are ill today my son ? ". I look at him with a puzzled look in my eyes, " I honestly really do not know why, probably stress I would imagine ". He looks at me and nods his head. I am not really understanding the reasoning for the 5th degree here. I don't mind it at all, I feel 100% myself with this amazing man. We lay down in the sand as the moon's beams light up our bodes. We watch the waterfall slowly trickle down and create ripples within the waters surrounding us and the island. " Are you at peace now my child ? " Lucifer asks.... " I am actually, I am very much at peace whenever I am with you ". He smiles and has me flip over on my stomach. " let me give you a back massage, you have too much blocked energy in your neck and in your throat chakra ". I don't hesitate to disagree with his seemingly " I only want to give you a massage ".

His hands are so big and large, wrapping them around my neck, hitting just the right pressure points to give me some relief. " This is the best massage I've ever had, even better than the last one " I said to him. I hear him chuckle for just a moment and then he continues his handy work. He is so intent on getting my energy to flow. I love his dedication to me, it feels like a lover, a consort, a best friend all wrapped into one. Something I've never had before. It feels like true like, note it ONLY " feels " like true love. " You must be prepared my child, you must get these blockages out of your body. I will continue my work on you for however long it will take. Time has no meaning to me as I've said to you before".

I lay there and soak up his energy. He mumbles some sort of chant or a rhyme, something of that nature. The humming sounds very familiar! Almost like a mantra. I know I've heard this before but where? For one split second I hear in his rhyme " Krishna ". " That's it !! I knew it!!!! I heard you say Krishna! ". He looks at me as I turn over and grab his waist. He smiles, he grins, he has a small glisten in his eyes. " I did say Krishna my child, I did, soon you will know why, soon you will find out why not just yet though. " I look at him and start to pout. I try batting my eye lashes at him and giving him my " charm " like he does me but it just doesn't seem to work that well on him then it does me. He smiles so big, his eye teeth are extremely long like my own. " You can't seduce me you do know this right ? ". " No, I didn't know this " I responded with sort of an attitude. " Oh, we're getting an attitude now are we feisty one ? ". " Never intentionally " I replied. He just smiled and started to kiss my neck.

" Do not get me wrong lover, I enjoy making love to you. Every time we do, we create something remarkable. We create something magickal. Right now you need rest and energy movement throughout your body, don't worry though you will always be pleased with me ". I let out a sigh and a deep breath and just relaxed and let him continue his energy work on me. He places both hands on my chest, his index fingers pointing up towards my throat. I feel this warmth run through my chest and esophagus, like I just took a huge shot of whiskey, only without the terrible after taste. I feel even more intoxicated by his energy work now. The body orgasms are out of this world, still! Each time he even graces any part of me I instantly go into spasms of pleasure. It's remarkable that any man can do this to me. I have my eyes closed, still taking in the smells and sounds. The smell of his manly body, his sweat smells so musky, yet arouses my senses to the extreme. " I know you're having body orgasms and this is what I want you to have " says Lucifer.

The orgasms continue for so long. The more he works his hands on my chest and throat, I feel the energy start to flow a bit more smoothly. It's not so " congested ". He knows I'm feeling better and asks me to open my eyes. I open my eyes and he stands me up. I love it when he uses his strength to swipe me up in his arms. I fit perfectly, a match made in heaven..... or hell? We will see. He presents to me a ring that appears in the middle of his palm, out of no where. The ring is silver, round, very elegant. It has the " Evil Eye " in the very center, encrusted with black and white diamonds. There are a few strange symbols or markings around the actual " eye " of the ring. They almost look like zodiac signs, yet they're not, I'm not quite sure what they are. Lucifer looks at me and says " look at me right in the eyes and ask me if you're ready ". I look him directly in the eyes and firmly state " Yes, I am ready ". He smiles and his third eye opens. From his third eye a radiant beam of red energy shoots out directly into my belly button. " We are connected ".... Lucifer intones. " What do you mean we are connected ? " I asked him... with hesitation. " If you remember back in your studies the Holy Guardian Angel Mediation. When we met and I took the form of Azazel. I asked you if you were ready and you said yes. I shot a beam of white energy into your belly button that time.". " Yes! I remember now! I remember the meditation and the visitations with Azazel! " I shrieked in excitement.

" It's getting to be about that time don't you think ? ". I asked him " what exactly do you mean? Time for what? ". Lucifer replies " Self-dedication, the moon is going to be full sooner than later.". I paused and looked at him with my eyes wide open. The moon's rays reflect in his eyes and I melt. " I am ready, I am very ready for this " I explain. I went into even more detail regarding self-dedication. The conversation went on for hours upon hours. " Make it simple, do not do anything you are not comfortable with, use your gut, do what you always do, just be you ". " Self - Dedication is nothing more than dedicating yourself to your path, your own divine self, merging together. It is nothing to be afraid of or fearful of. " He knows I have doubts about self-dedication and my " if's " and " buts " but he stands strong in his word. " Just remember what I've told you from before. My cord and mirror technique, all the energy work we've done together. The sexual work we've done together, everything is leading up to your self-dedication. Furthermore when you do your self-dedication know that I will be there in physical form, so watch for me. With this being said my child it is time to return home now."

Everything from this point on has finally started to unravel itself. All the " mysteries " and " secret teachings " I thought were " oh so secret " were inside of me the entire time. Every tool I've ever needed is inside of me, this body, this vessel. It all makes perfect sense. I feel a mystery has been revealed. Upon returning back to my body Lucifer kisses me so softy on the lips and disappears in the blink of an eye. I find myself hovering above my body, staring down at myself, hesitating weather or not I want to go explore more or just get back in my damn body. I decide to just get back in. I come to and feel so fully charged and refreshed. As I type these words the smells, sensations and every bit of information remains fresh and in tact, read for it's proper usage.

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