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Dead Johnny Cracked Corn -and We Got Scared-

There was so much to do in our " village " growing up. Literally it is a village and still is to this day. The Indians actually settled here first and then were demolished by the greedy men that thought they were better than the " primitive heathens ". Sadly, all the Indians from this small Village are no longer in the area. They did name this " village " which I will not name in this blog. You can say we are literally living in the center of " the woods ", on the outskirts of the city. A very fascinating place to live. Having so much land to roam and explore. I truly believe we did see the Wee Ones in the woodlands, nymphs, gnomes, faeries, all of these other-worldly creatures. This is when Pan was even more heavily into the picture ( for myself anyways ). My best friend had chosen the " Fairy Path " as she called it. She was fascinated by the Wee Ones as was I. I still felt more drawn to the primal energies, the raw, the darker, the old Gods.

Often times we'd build ELABORATE " forts " made of tree bark, sticks, moss and hay. We were so creative and imaginative we had about 10 of these " forts " throughout the entire " village ". We'd even go out of our way and plant flowers, create stone walk ways in the many different woodland areas in our " village ". Now that I look back at it I can say it would look something like you'd see from The Wizard of Oz. Those small huts with grass tops, hay sticking out, tiny windows and tiny doors. We were very tiny after all, we were only kids. So you can use your imagination on that one. The visions I am recalling are quite astonishing and beautiful. I do believe that we had " awoke " quite a few things within our " village " back in our younger days. Now living further away from the " village ", moving into a farm house/used to be an old school house/children of the corn, was quite refreshing and new. Being away from neighbors, or at least having one to two neighbors about 3 miles apart from me is so much better for my practices.

The history of our small " Village " is rather quite interesting! I'll go further into detail at a latter time. Returning back to the old grain shaft, drawing the Pentagrams in chalk, " pretending " to summon spirits, holding seances as kids do. One DAY, now mind you this was in pure daylight. We're exploring some of the other silos that surrounded the grain mill. Now this could have been our imagination or we unknowingly did summon a spirit that was a resident of this " village ". Roaming around inside these giant aluminum barns, playing in the hay, admiring the pitch forks and the old farm equipment we kept hearing something walk behind us. We'd take a step and feel " it " take a step RIGHT along with us. Ok, so this sort of " spooked " us in a way. Having grown up watching Freddy from the age of 2 and Halloween nothing really scared us too much, not like this.

We actually started to get pretty spooked, we spooked ourselves letting our imaginations run wild. Now this is where I have no idea what came, where it came from or what it was. Still roaming around and exploring these "new" things we'd never seen before, I picked up a beautiful machete. My " Best friend " was right beside me and she was in awe of the beauty of this thing. That very second we heard a very quiet voice. It was the voice of an old man " please leave". I looked at her and she looked at me. We were both puzzled. I said " fuck it ! Let's keep exploring ". She agreed and we went on our merry way! We got to the end of the long silo now looking at the machete in the light. More foot steps were heard behind us. This time I thought someone was fucking with us so we both turned around, ready to shank just about anybody that was even about to hurt us. To our surprise, standing RIGHT in front of us was this old man. His clothes were that of an old farmer, from the 1800's or so. He was as white as my hair, as white as the clouds! I looked at my " best friend " and whispered to her " we should..... ".... I stopped. I couldn't even talk. It felt like something was literally taking the air out from our lungs and not permitting us to talk.

Still staring at this man, scary as hell, well now that I look back at it, he wasn't actually scary, just a bit different, maybe a lost spirit? We both stood there looking at him in total shock. He looked right at us and very slowly, monotone voice he says " Please leave and do not come back here ". I looked over at my friend and we were suddenly able to talk and breathe again. I let out a loud " FUCK YOU!!! " as we busted ass back to our house. Turning around from time to time to see if he was still back there, he wasn't! This guy was NO WHERE to be seen. We went back again, looking for this " farmer " that had informed us to get out. Nothing, absolutely NOTHING! The thing that stuck out most to me personally was his overalls. They were a very sun-bleached / faded blue denim with dinghy white stripes.

Quite a few years later we had started to wonder about this mysterious " farmer " once again. Going back to the same spot, tracing our steps, doing the same things we did before. Still nothing! Not a sign of this man. We climbed up into the Elevator of the Grain Shaft and walked up to this door that read " office ". We picked the lock and walked in. There was a picture of the EXACT same man, hanging on the wall. Under neath of his photograph was his Date of birth...... followed by.... his DEATH. This spooked us big time. He had been a school teacher that was this small " village " previously had before the grain shaft was built and put in. The man in fact did die in the grain shaft, later on finding out that he was also a farmer and was very stern and protective over CHILDREN.

Why he told us to get out was beyond me and my " best friend ". We had no idea why he wanted us out of that place so badly. Now this is the astonishing part. About three years after that the building that we had been " hanging " around in had collapsed and killed one to two people. Was he warning us of an upcoming disaster? Was he actually protecting us? Or was it our subconscious minds projecting the images into the material world? To this day She and I will never know. If we were to have continued to mess around in that ONE specific silo we surely would have been CRUSHED and died instantly.

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