Why The Ouija is Wonderful

How many times have you placed blame on an outside force that you've felt " made " you do something? Have you ever used " the devil " as an excuse for doing wrong? Have you ever blamed any type of Occult tool for the source of your illness or dis-eases in the body? For thousands of years man kind has used the old and outdated excuses, such as blaming the devil for your own actions, using a Ouija and then getting sick but yet it was the Ouija that made you sick right? No, wrong! It boggles my mind that people look to outside sources for a scapegoat, a way to feel less guilty or less feeble minded.
We have been conditioned as a whole, brain-washed if you will, to believe that if something goes wrong in your life, or your get an illness there's an outside source to blame for it. Why do so many have to look outside of themselves for answers when all the answers you need are right inside of you? Does it make people in general feel better to think that there IS in fact a possible " source " or scapegoat, to place the blame on? I personally think people can't and don't want to, or just plane don't want to try and take responsibility for their own actions. You are the creator of your own universe. You are the God or Goddess that source created. You are the reason for YOUR very own illness, dis-eases, " bad luck ", even down to the simplest of things such as stubbing your toe. People will always use a " demonic " force or some type of outside source to say " That made me ill " or " that demon made me stub my toe ". Is your mind and will strong enough to let go of those chains that want to make you place blame or scapegoat? Are you willing to give up friends due to the fact that they are so brain-washed into thinking " demons " and " devils " are the root of all things gone wrong? Or do you just smile, nod, and agree with them? All the while lieing to not only yourself and your friend (s) but adding to the problem as a whole.
From the age of 7 years old I first got my hands on VHS copy of Witchboard 1986! what a wonderful and amazing journey started from then on out! I had watched the movie as many times as I could. I had to have demolished three VHS tapes from watching the movie so much. At the age of 8 I had asked " Santa " for a Ouija Board. I knew he'd deliver and low and behold, come Christmas morning there it was! A William Fuld Mystifying Oracle sat under my Yule Tree. That day changed my life. Did it change for the better or for the worse? A lot will argue over my own personal works. A lot of people will tell you no matter what you believe it's STILL the Ouija or a " demon " that caused your Mom's X-Boyfriend's, X-Girlfriend's, Aunt once removed and her cat to do this and that, or it caused " terrible " things to happen! No matter how hard you try to tell someone your own beliefs and intentions they are always going to stick to their out-dated ways of thinking and belief systems.
Many people grow up around these sorts of things, myself being one of them. I personally have never had a " horrific " experience with the Ouija, demons, devils or any of the sorts. Yet I was not raised to think the Ouija or Witchcraft is " evil " . I wasn't raised to place blame on other's or " the devil ". I was raised and taught that we man up and take responsibility for our own actions. Weather they be good or bad, we do them, no supernatural force is influencing you to do otherwise. Why do you think you got punished as a CHILD ? Not one of your parents were going to say " I'm going to let you hurt people and encourage drugs on you, because in the end you'll get it from God ". That's psychotic thinking. It's not logical at all and makes no sense to me personally.
Sure I experienced very serious lashes from my own greed, during magickal working mind you. Daemon Summoning and the Lesser Key's of Solomon are very deep. Those I don't try to explain nor really use much. That's a totally different NOVEL, or even yet a Series. A very different subject in my practices. Things are very different when you are in a trial and error stage. Now as I am older, quite older actually which dates me a LITTLE... not much, few years, a year..
I do get sick and quite often. It's not that I live with constant dis-ease in my body everyday, aside from Fybromyalgria, I kinda say it's whom I live with that brings in these germs, viruses, etc... He is a Plumber and an Electrician/Contractor, a damn good business man too! I guess I'm just VERY prone to colds, flu's, etc... I do yoga daily, I eat healthy, a lot at that too. I live a busy life. I have a lot of clients and amazing friends. I've been using the Ouija for almost twenty - two years now and I feel like it's been such a help. It's given me insight into this world and guided me via my grandmother, upon her passing.
I do not and never will associate Spirit Communications with illness, dis-ease, hatred, negativity, ever... I think it's a really silly and childish idea or ideology. It's very Christian to me almost Catholic. My Mother was raised Catholic so I can get advise from her on that topic.
I met many, many people via social media that are so special to me. People that radiate love and understanding, compassion and kindness. They've changed my life for the better and I'm humbled and honored to call them friends. This is what the Ouija has brought me. Love, knowledge, new opportunities, healing and hope. This is how I Live my life. I do this daily yes and still make no connection between the two topics spoken above. Ouija is an amazing tool and it's what you make of it. So if you think Evil is the cause of problems for yourself and others then that's what's coming right back at ya. I get a lot of love. I wish you all the best in Spirit Communications!