Lesson 1 ( Lucifer In Sex Magick ) -Personal Opinions -

These are just my spiritual experiences with this energy. It is in a rather positive form, apposed to the darker aspects of his followers.
Lying on the beach the surrounds Spirit Stone Lucifer comes to me once again. " It's been quite sometime my child. I've known you've been sick and I've been around trying with all my might to help you get back to your best ". His voice is so soothing and deep, raspy and manly. He almost instantly makes me feel like my tip top self once again. He lays down beside me and leans over with a devilish smile on his face. His one " K-9 " tooth sticks out just a bit, overlapping his lower lip. The grin is inescapable, lustful, and so inviting. He lays there and just stares at me. The moon shines her light down on the both of us. Chills run up and down our bodies, goosebumps start to appear on my legs, Lucifer starts to rub me to keep the chill off. His hands feel softer this time, more sensual, yet still highly sexual. He rubs and caresses my legs, up to my inner thighs giving me an outstanding massage. His hands have that touch. Everywhere he touches me makes me feel ten times better.
" I know you haven't been able to get properly prepared for your self-dedication/Initiation and that is perfectly ok my love. It's not the physical act of self-dedication or initiation but the Spiritual aspect. The mental preparations, the astral visitations and sessions we've had. Those are of the utmost importance. The Mundane can wait. It's only a catalyst that connects you that much more to your center, source, spirit, and myself ". I look at Lucifer and smile, curling up in a small ball, letting him gather me up in his arms and wrap his body around me. Coddling me like a Bear would his cub. I feel so safe, protected and free. Free from the stress of mundane life, free from the stress of dis-ease within the body, everything just falls into place when I'm with this man.
He continues to coddle me, gently stroking his hands through my hair. His hands begin to wonder around my bod. Every spot on my body that aches or is in dis-ease, he finds and some how " massages " or works it out of me. It's truly a hands on healing experience. " You do know you exist here at all times as well right? ". I kind of paused and looked at him in confusion. " I've heard of doppelgangers, parallel universes, and body doubles but I really can't wrap my mind around the whole concept. I do understand how I can exist within multiple universes at once though ". He looks at me and smiles. " You're understanding faster and absorbing more than you know my love ". I just smiled and fell back into his gigantic body.
" Alright my child are you ready for some very easy spiritual work? A little fun-magick, if you will? ". Instantly I feel so energized and filled with an energy that's not even describable in words. Primal is the only word that can even make a dent in the feel and description of his vibration. " Yes, I am very ready, I've been ready. ". He smiles and telepathically I hear him tell me to stand straight up and start a yoga pose. I wasn't sure which one as he didn't specify, so I started with a Sun Salutation, since he is the bringer of light and the Son. My feet firmly planted in the flour-like sand, my hips and elbows in alignment, my spine in complete alignment, I feel so great and amazing.
I feel him standing behind me, his breath on the back of my neck. It's hot and sweet. He's so close to me yet not touching me at all. I can feel the radiance of his vibration expand and engulf me. I see this almost Mercury substance surround the both of us, yet it's a bit more transparent than the actual substance itself. " Any harm coming your way, any dis-ease can now leave your body. You are no longer in need of this dis-ease, you are ready for further transformation and enlightenment ". He whispers so softly in my ear, his words penetrate every cell in my being. His words have a certain vibration to them, a " tone " if you will. It's nothing like that of a human, or an animal, it's almost extraterrestrial. I feel our energies start to merge together even more. It's almost as if I'm sinking into him, becoming one with him. I take him all in. All of his energy, his vibration and that Angelic Tone he has to each word he speaks. " It's phenomenal isn't it " he asked me. " Of course it is, I've never felt anything like this, what is happening? ".
" You are seeing my true nature child, your true nature, you are embarking on a new beginning with me ". I let out a huge breath as he rubs my pecks and chest. " Breathe and relax is all you have to do " were his words. I let myself go and let him go. I let his hands wonder down from my chest to my hips. His hard cock now throbbing against my ass. " I really want you inside of me, I want you filling me even more ". " You'll get it just let it flow, relax and breathe, just like I said ". I stand there and let him continue to massage his throbbing cock on my ass. I thought we had clothes on yet we never do, so I have no idea why that popped into my head. " You have some fears you have yet to overcome, that's why this particular thought just ran across your mind ". I stand there and feel him slide his hard dick into my tight ass, he goes so slow, pushing his head into my ass and just barely fucking me. My mouth opens and I moan and my breaths gets heavier. I was in pure ecstasy when he said those words to me. I didn't think he was listening. Did I say it out loud? " No, our thoughts are connected in this reality my child, you forget, have you been here before ? " he joked a bit.
My mouth opens wider as he slides his fingers up my chest and onto my tongue. I suck on his fingers, they taste like sugar, maple syrup almost, sweeter, with a hint of apples. It's amazing. He tells me to let him in and so I do. He thrusts into my ass, his cock in all it's entirety. I can see " outside " of the two of us, and at all times in this other realm. The imagery is so erotic and sexual, it's not me at all nor him, it's like watching art. He grinds into me, thrusting harder and harder making me beg for his cock even more.
He places his hands around my neck, very gently, and starts to bust his load into me. I feel so much cum filling me, overflowing inside of me, it's godly. He pops his cock out of my ass and turns me around. He lays down in the sand and grabs me by my waste. He's so damn strong I love being " man-handles " by him. He sets me on is face and sucks his cum out of me, every drop of it. It feels amazing. His tongue licks and digs into my ass so hard my body contorts, like I'm having a seizure. Multiple body orgasms are so euphoric, spiritual and lustful.
A lot of people consider this type of spiritual thinking to be insanity, which it might be, don't ask me I'm just inspired. Art from Greece, Rome, Italy, all of the sexual acts within their own magickal systems are amazing. A lot of it's symbolic as well. Embracing your practices weather it be candle magick, or sex magick, knot magick, whatever you will. It's in your own intentions that the power lies. Not within tools. It's within you and your being, your heart mind and spirit. LOVE is universal, in ALL shapes and forms. Yes erotic writing is a form of spiritual expression for some. It's a form of Love if you will, as well. Don't disregard the " bad " side of love because with it there wouldn't be a good side.
