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I live In Hell

Hell is real. Hell is very real. The bottomless pit, the fire and brimstone, gnashing of teeth, torches lit and stuck into every hole of your body. The screams and cries of the souls being eternally tormented by unbearable and unimaginable lashings, whippings, and beatings. Every rotten and foul thing of the earth crawls through your eye sockets, through your nostrils, down your throat, there's no way out! You're isolated yet surrounded by billions of people. You know you can get out if you could just find that spark of light. That small glimmer of sunshine gleaming through a cursed skyline but you can't find it, you'll never find it, you'll never find your way out. Bugs crawl beneath your skin trying to tear their way out through your pores, eyes, ears and nose. The heat is unbearable. The screams haunt your every thought, of every second, time stands still, it freezes.

There are so many beasts and demons stabbing and jabbing at you. All while you're being tortured for all eternity they molest you, fuck you, rip you open and leave you for dead on the volcanic heated rocks. The beast bears it's head out from the bottomless pit. It's like nothing I've ever seen before. The more you scream, the more you cry out for help, the happier the beast becomes. The beasts' servants take joy in your cries and pleads for help. Taunting your every cry, mimicking everything you've done in your life, back in your face, disenfranchising you, dis-empowering you. They can and will take away every bit that's left of your soul, your sanity, your being.

Bottles break and shards of glass gash into your skin. Moonshine and gasoline are poured into your freshly made wounds. The burning, the sting is unimaginable! A small white movie screen appears before you, haunting to look at, almost enchanting, yet you can't look away. You are bound by chains, gags, ropes, surrounded by pools of fire and torches that melt your skin off the bone. You feel and see your skin burning and sizzling off the bone, pouring onto the rocks like a mixture of blood and plastic. It repeats itself over and over, hours upon hours, years upon years, it will never stop so don't think for one second that it will. Once you do it only intensifies the horrific acts forced upon yourself by this beast and his servants.

You see on the small movie screen your entire life playing out before your eyes. Everything you did is shown here. Your good deeds, your bad deeds, everything you've thought, everything you've fought for. Every good thing in your being is laughed at and mocked, mimicked and shamed. You feel so afraid, so scared, so alone. Why would this beast torment you like this? Why won't it stop? Why can't I make it stop?

Suddenly a pattern appears in the picture, something clicks and a very dim, yet subtle light bulb turns on. Everything becomes familiar once again, the relatedness within your life appears to be aligning again. A cyclical yet natural phenomena in Psych. 101. This you call your shelter, this you call your home. The tormented souls, the screams, the pools of fire, bodies, pure destruction becomes your sanctum. Visitations and conversations with Spirit Friends help to confirm that you, as a being, are many different archetypal energies. You as a channel are open to many different forces; whether they be good or bad.

You don't have to be your surroundings if they are of ill will. You can be on the inside, on the outside, how you feel. If you can accept that you are not what's around you. Life will get good again. Those joyous, lustful, pleasurable desires and things you like to do, will come back. They'll feel even better, more erotic and sexual. It'll feel more exotic and sinful, lustful and fulfilling... Radiate who you are at all times. That amazing person within.



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