" Why You Suck "

Within the violence, hatred and the dispassionate heart of man and his out dated ways of thinking, there lies a child. A child that has been and will be in man until his last incarnation. The world in it's entirety has been brain washed by out dated books, books that teach you that it is perfectly justifiable to inflict harm, pain, abuse ( in all it's forms ), on all of Source's creations. This book is the Holy Bible. It has come to a period in my life where I no longer can pick the book up and find joy in reading the myths anymore. There is no joy within this book of lies. It's filled with murder, judgment, vengeance, incest, the killing of one another's brother's and sister's. It boggles my mind that this world is so stricken with the " fear/wrath of ' God ' ". Knowing within myself, my center, and within my heart, that this book is just myth and accounts of man's own interpretation of " God's " supposed " rules " and " commandments " I still cannot for the life of me pick it back up and find inspiration from those radically psychotic beliefs.
It saddens ones heart to not be able to find inspiration within such negativity. It saddens my heart that so many are blinded and deceived by the TRUE " Devil " of the bible, which would be Jehovah. So why is it that some three thousand years later this book is taken so literal? It is literally a virus that has infected humanity. It is a book for the weak, the feeble minded, the ones that can't take responsibility for their own actions. It's a place for the weak to seek refuge, to find, pick and choose, what they wish to reject in society and within themselves.
As for myself, this day, 6/26/2016 I fully denounce any biblical none sense that has ever been thrown at me, in my face, in the face of loved ones and friends. I will no longer fathom thinking of ever praying to such a treacherous " God " or better yet the true " devil ". Lucifer is the true God, the light, and the way. If only people could see through this giant illusion. The entire world is fooled. Not all of us have blindfolds on. I see a lot of us waking up and realizing the truth. I see that I'm not the only one that feels this way either, which in turn makes my heart smile and fills me with joy.
I flip on the T.V. and another person is shot, a mother mourning the death of her son/child/daughter because they weren't Caucasian or they weren't straight. Children are committing suicide all due to a false book and it's false teachings that, and yes I'm going there, the PARENTS instill within them from this blasphemous book of lies. Parents are turning their backs on their own children for coming out. Kicking them out of the house, beating them, or just plane disowning them all together. That's sad and it weighs heavy on ones heart. I wish for the human race that they realize how old the bible is. How it was written by man and not any spiritual being. If it were truly written by a " all loving God " how can they explain the lies and the " thou shall not's " ? Murder your child if they disobey you, cut off your right hand if it " sins ". Really? The courts humor this. It's sad to say that Christianity has poisoned our world.
I've come across a lot of people that do dismiss the " thou shall not's " and the foolish rubbish wrapped in hatred and violence. They know man wrote it and they know " God " is not what the book of lies describes him/she/it as. These people are my inspiration and my fire. These people are TRUE Gods and Goddesses within themselves. They've realized the divine essence in their being, given at birth, and they embrace it! They love EVERYONE and celebrate all of our differences. These people don't hop on a bike with a back-pack and go door to door spreading " the word ", no not at all, they simply live in harmony with everyone else. Being Christian and NOT slightly different looking in appearance or attire choices, they do NOT get oppressed as say.... the gay guy that wears makeup, or the gay woman that looks like a man. Yet they pray for those that do oppress us and condemn us to " hell " for our life that we didn't even choose! This in itself is a miraculous thing! I am very blessed to have so many of these truly beautiful people in my life. My inner divine spark honors your inner divine spark, day in and day out, for the rest of our incarnations.
I still pose the question.... Why is it OK for Christians to show so much hate toward a community that's considered a " minority " ? What gives them the RIGHT to decide they're going to kill us because we were born slightly more fabulous? Personally I'm fed up with the false " warriors of Christ ". Now I see why they were fed to the lions. Not that I ever want that to happen again, I'd never wish death or harm upon any being. I can still see WHY they would do such a thing back in the Roman times. So, I ask you all this.... how LONG ago, how many THOUSANDS of years ago, did this happen? Was this justifiable? Honestly I think it was. They oppressed the Pagans, the Indians, anyone that had a slightly different way of living. History does repeat itself and it is repeating itself as we speak, as I type this.
I firmly believe that if all the roles were reversed within the bible and within humanity, a very swift and quick change would occur and fast. No person on this earth is better than you nor lesser. Each and everyone of us are gods and goddesses in our own. Some of those people tend to let the Shadow aspects of that facet of Source surface. All causing chaos, discord, dis-ease, and dis-harmony within our dimension. I was quite inspired by GaGa and The Daili Lama's Speech tonight, well questions and answers, it was an eye-opener.
Look inside YOU, find your amazing qualities and celebrate them! Then you will be able to fully appreciate the beauty in life. It's there! All you have to do is open your eyes and ears, lend your heart to your friends and family. Love.
Higher Self