Nature of Evil Men

Night falls and the impending feel of doom and dread fills my entire being. Sadness, apathy and loneliness fills my heart from the day's bringing. Trying to fight " the beast " with kindness and compassion seems to fuel " it " with even more hatred and torment. The anticipation and dread of " the beast " lingers through the day, clinging to you like burrs, never coming off, never giving up it's grip. Is this hell? Is hell real? He disguises himself as a man of " truth " and " wisdom " far beyond anybody's comprehension. He cloaks himself with vast traits that are adored by the masses. How can everyone be so fooled as to his real nature, his true self, " the monster " within ? He lets " the beast " unleash on those he " loves ".
According to the beast as he preaches his " doctrine " of lies. One should learn to ignore and suppress all feelings, emotions, thoughts, and ideas. There shall be no expressing of the emotions in any way, shape or form, or so he says. If you are hurt or hindered psychically, mentally, or spiritually you must " tough it up " or " learn to fucking deal with it ". These are his teachings and beliefs.
The entire world is wrong says " the beast ". Everyone and everything has defects and isn't to " it's " liking. Yet there is nothing wrong with " the beast " in " it's " own eyes. " It's " perfection and god-like in " it's " own reflection. The beast only thinks of itself and feeds off your fears. " It " takes away your life, your energy, your passions too.
It tries to break down your existence by killing your will and dreams. You can't turn to vices or fun to break down his mind of madness. All you can do is fall asleep and be thankful you're not six-feet-deep.