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The Beast and Yemon

The day's worries and woe's surely excited my senses for what came tonight. The doom and gloom that weighs so heavy on the heart and spirit were completely wrong and had no place in my being. They were there as a " guard " or self-defense mechanism. Being so conditioned and used to the onslaught of " the beasts " " evil " nature, the lashing out, the words as sharp as glass piercing into every cell in your body just wasn't there this evening. Surely " the beast " did have harsh words imbued with intentions of hatred and negativity. " The beast " most certainly did embody all " it's " normal attributes and traits. What had changed within " the beast's " mindset? Something had to have triggered this random eve of serenity.

" Yenom " puts the beast at ease. Such an earthly and greedy, self centered act, rooted within all of us. Is " Yenom " or lack of, the root of " the beasts " unhappiness ? When " it " get what " it " wants the creatures around " the beast " become people of worth again. They become " it's " beacon of hope and light. The impulsive tossing of kind words and cigarette stained lies become all too nice. It seems all too good to be true. Will it last or will it end? Is he working his will to make us bend? Or is " it " trying to mend what " it " think's " it's " done wrong ? One will never know the true nature of " the beast " without further shadow work on one's own self.

" The Beast " has received " its " yemon. It is pleased, it is happy, " it's " heart glows with an intense black film. For how long though will this keep " the beast's " thousands of different heads from emerging once again? Can it hold on to that false sense of joy and pride and transform that into real joy and real pride? Again, one will never know. Yemon is a very dangerous thing for the beast. It is " it's " seat of power and authority. Having a bountiful amount of yemon will probably never satisfy " it's " un-dying thirst for more. More, More, More, and more! " The beast " will want it all and will emerge it's atrocious heads once again until even more windfalls find their way to the beast.

This eve as I write this with peace of mind, confused but still having peace of mind, I find myself feeling sorry for the beast. " It " cries and hurts just as we all do. Yet I do not show nor will I ever show any grief or compassion for " its " way of living and being in this world. The ones around the beast yet still live in constant fear and anticipation of what is to come. Every micro-second of every minute is forever changing, turning, and twisting. It always keeps us on our toes, walking on the sharpest of needles and shards of glass. One never knows what will set the beast off. Which face will it show next? What word (s) will strike it wrong? What " wrong look " or " wrong glance " will make the volcano erupt into a full blown monster? That is one question I know the answer to and I dare not tread on those thin patches of ice.

I slip into my blissful state of being, my altered state of consciousness. It feels godly, like you're placed upon a throne of pure silver light. It's function is comfort and compassion, love and nurturing like that of a Mother, or the most highly revered the Grandmother. She comes in from the Abyss is where I guess, " AKA is what she calls her Dimension ". She bestows words and physical gestures like she were alive. She always comes to me at the very LAST moment of a " rapture ". Rapture actually means ending or beginning of a new chapter in ones life, or spiritual life.

It's as on Earth for me as it is in Heaven, from what I believe, I set in silence and let the energy guide me. " The beast " will never change, this is an indication of mental health issues, men's mental health issues to be exact. It's not life threatening, nor is it anything " it " remembers ". { Channeled from Veronica }

This is my conclusion to the " beast's " tale tonight.


Louis Cypher

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