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~ On Being Joyful ~

Words are sharp and harsh. They cut you down, like the strongest tree growing in the forest so peacefully. The girl that you called a lesbian actually isn't a lesbian. The boy you called gay in fact wasn't gay. The obese man you made fun of walks 5 miles a day. That homeless man you ignored and laughed at was a military veteran that fought for your rights and safety, so you can enjoy your peaceful and tranquil nights. The single Mother you tipped .2 cents to has five children she has to feed. The boy you made fun of for dropping out school got his GED and then graduated four years from a very highly expensive college.

Another Mother sets on her stoop in solitude and silence. Mourning the loss of her daughter. A grandmother sits inside in solitude mourning the loss of her granddaughter. What was said? What had happened? Did someone disenfranchise you and make you feel weak in your identity? Did someone harass or blast you? I want to know but the other half of me doesn't want to know. Half of me feels like a beast, a monster, for not wanting to know, the other half feels lost, confused, isolated and shaken to the core. How could this happen so close to home? Could this all have been prevented or fixed? You weren't broken to begin with. You yourself did not need fixing. The world is the problem not the person or individual.

Have we as humans, brothers, sisters, friends, lovers, mother's, all of us connected as one become so desensitized to the hatred and violent speech? Was it truly worth it making fun of the boy flipping burgers? Was it worth knowing your own words or actions made someone take their own life? Well, was it ? Perhaps that wasn't the case but if it were how would you feel? How could you sleep at night? How could you look in the mirror?

Friends are taking their lives. Our brothers and sisters are being murdered by radical religious sects. We as a " Minority " are being targeted and have been for quite some time. Political parties try to divide us, split us up, make us feel less than what we are. The courts humor this. Since when did a price tag get slapped on a human life? 9.1 Million dollars to be exact. Is that really the worth of A LIFE ? I wouldn't think so.

I feel like a LOT more people could be doing more to spread; joy, compassion, and kindness. Life is too short to hate one another. We're all the same at the end of the day. I myself can do MORE! I plan on it... trying my damnedest... I wanna see people living life, not living to die... I want there to be joyful marriages, friendships and so on. Most of all I'd like to see you love YOU.

" Life is for the living not a living hell " ~P!nk


Louis Cypher

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