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The Death Cloud

Cracking an eye open around 8:00 AM, a little earlier or a little later, not really sure which. The sudden feeling of dread fills me entirely. My heart races, my face turns red, my hands tingle and go numb. I hear " The beast " rummaging about as if he's lost his throne in hell. I carefully stretch, rub my eyes, getting out of bed, and walking down the thirteen wooden, creaking stair steps. Each step creaks louder as I approach the main floor. " Good Morning!! " " The beast " replies in such a joyful tone. "What in the literal fuck is wrong with this picture" are the thoughts running through my head. I reply with a raspier voice " morning ". I grab a cup of coffee and and make my way back up the old wooden steps. I make my way to my work station, flip on the laptop and power everything up. Something just felt so odd and so off about this unusual yet very pleasant encounter.

I want to be filled with hatred for " the beast " by it's simple yet joyful morning salute. I can't bring myself to even muster up any form of hatred or negativity within my mind. " What in the hell is wrong with me ? " I question myself as I sit and sip my coffee, smoking a cigarette with the other hand, powering on my phone with my pinkie. I go through my daily routine of checking emails, checking client's emails, contacting sponsors and future investments. A light bulb goes Ding just like that! Have I mined myself like coal? Have I transmuted my hatred and fear of the beast into something positive and amazing? That really set the tone for the day. The simplest " Good Morning! " with a smile, and me actually believing it made my heart cry for the beast. What can I do to help it? How can I possibly pour so much kindness and compassion to kill the beast upon his throne?

Yenom has fallen upon the beast once again and quite an abundance of it at that. That was the light bulb going off, the inkling that said " hey, it's only temporary and yenom has provided it with this temporary distraction ". My heart began to weep again, this time not for the beast, for a friend, a daughter, a granddaughter, a sister. I've realized how dim the world seems to appear without the light that was taken so quickly and soon. There's a dark cloud hovering above the heads of a massive amount of people. Is our grieving and mourning creating a collective consciousness that we are unaware of? " The Death Cloud " is what I'd like to call it. The veil that shields our eyes from the light, from the joy, beauty, and wonders of life. She had appeared to me in a vision last night. It dawned on me as it nearly struck exactly 12:00 PM / Noon.

The vision was very intense, very sad but joyous. The vision itself is something I'm not sure of. Was this my mind making me feel better? Was it actually her? What did I actually see and hear? I began to throw down a few cards, breaking out the Ouija, the Witch's runes, anything I could to get a possible explanation as to what this meant. As for my mental mind set divination was not in the cards today. ( No Pun Intended ). I couldn't figure it out for the life of me.

A cold bathroom floor, wooden perhaps, something of tile, older in style. A young maiden lying on the said flooring, crying, crying her heart out. She knows what has been done and there is no going back. Everything turns to black. Suddenly everything is so bright, warm, loving, and caring. I hear " I'm ok I'm fine ". The siren's voice haunting in nature, yet familiar, keeps repeating itself. This voice, the siren's voice, starts to change and take form. She stands in front of me and hugs me so tight. " I'm fine ". I feel so much love and nothing else. It's as if nothing else but love and understanding exists or is comprehended in this dimension.

There are further details of this vision or revelation but I will not go that in depth with it here. In death there is life, a new life, a new reality/perception. I think it's incomprehensible for the HUMAN mind to understand the " other side " at all, to it's FULLEST. I do think we can and do tap into it in our daily lives.. Be kind and love one another. Show kindness to all living things. Being humbled is very revolutionary. Find it within yourself. It's right there.


Louis Cypher

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