Witch Bottles

For this Witch Bottle you will need the following;
1. a small bottle or vial
2. Crushed mint
3. Crushed sage
4. dirt from the four corners of your land
5. a STERILE needle ( for a small drop of your own blood )
6. Hekate Oil
7. Red String
8. wax of some sort ( white )
Hallow your compass with the intent of bringing in all beneficial and positive energies, to help shield and protect your home/land, from any type of negativity. Since this is Traditional Witchcraft, you get a LOT more room for creativity, so get creative! Let spirit move you. Once you're in the frame of mind, at ease, peaceful, make your compass grow to engulf your entire house/land. See it, like a blown bubble, the iridescent colors they create.
You can come up with a Rhyme or chant to accompany this spell. Once you've focused your will, have your intent set, charge all your herbs and all other working materials. Fill up your bottle or vial with your herbs, a small prick of your finger, a small drop of your own blood, 3 drops of Hekate oil ( optional ). Put your cap on, or just wax it shut. Tie the red string counter-clockwise to invite beneficial energies in, protecting you, your loved ones, your land, from all harm and dangers, as well as ill will. When you get to the point of about 2 inches of thread left, focus all your energy into that knot. Know it is done.
Simple, eh. ;) You can keep this on your altar, some bury them. I hung mine in a tree and it's still there. I refresh them about every 1-4 years when I feel they've run their courses. I don't suggest BANISHING any energy, it helped you, why punish it? Thank them, you are done. ;)
This can be used in any context; Health, Love, Passion, Power, Healing... Have fun and let me know if it works for you! Thank you to all who watch my videos too. It's a really fanfuckingtastic feeling. If I can help one person, make one friend, it's worth it.