The Beast ~A Short Story~
" The Beast " The beast, he lives in me, he's a part of me, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the beast impregnating the fare maiden,...

Beltane Magick and Astral Visitation !
So, did you guys know that Beltane actually runs from March 30th-The Summer Solstice? Ancient pagan traditions have led us and shown us...

Ordering Shungite Through Me ( Shungit-Store.com)
It's really easy to order the Shungite items you see me wearing and showing in my videos. As of right now I am part of a campagne with...

Using The Ouija Alone
Here lately I've noticed a lot of questions and comments popping up on using the Ouija alone. Is it ok to use this tool alone? Will you...

Witch Bottles
For this Witch Bottle you will need the following; 1. a small bottle or vial 2. Crushed mint 3. Crushed sage 4. dirt from the four...