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Using The Ouija Alone

Here lately I've noticed a lot of questions and comments popping up on using the Ouija alone. Is it ok to use this tool alone? Will you get " possessed ", will you open a " portal to hell " in your house? What about all the different paterns the Planchette glides about? Well, I am here to tell you a huge no. In my own mind, in the core of my being, a huge absloutely NOT.

First off I will tell you that you are going to need to check every-single fear you have, or might think you have, about the board, anything that you've heard and seen in the movies, please, disregard all of these " Ouijastitions ". Throw them all out the window. Hollywood has done enough damage to a perfectly safe tool, when used properly of course.

So, are all those fears gone yet? Didn't think so. One of the best ways that I've found to confront and face my own fears, about other subjects, not the Ouija, is Journaling. It sounds so simple you're thinking " well this isn't going to work ". If you write your fears out all on a sheet of paper, and ask yourself where do all these come from? Was I conditioned as a child to think this tool is evil? Did your religious background teach you it's an evil tool? Make sure you write all these things down, or even record yourself. I can almost guarentee you within a few months these " fears " will start to come up and surface. You will begin to know exactly why you are fearing certain things. This is about the best method I've found to work. Once you can acknowledge these fears, face them, then you can transmute them. You are turning your own demons into " Daemons ".

Ok, so we've faced our fears, checked how we're feeling the day we want to use the Board right? Fantastic! You never want to go into a session with anger, malice, hatred or fear. The board is only going to amplify these things from your subconcious, hence you being in more fear and panic than before. Plan out your session a day or two ahead. Make a rough outline of who you are going to speak with, stick with one specific entity to begin with. I really suggest an Angel ( they will come to your aid if you just ask ), your spirit guide, or a relative. Sticking with just ONE of these entities will be easier for you to validate the information you are recieving through the board.

So let's get over a few steps to ensure a safe and positive session, yeah? My biggest rule is ALWAYS go into a session knowing you are going to recieve only the best information, information that is going to serve you, better you and for your greatest good. If you don't have a sacred space or somewhere you can do this in a regular spot, on a regular basis, don't worry about it. Create that sacred space for yourself wherever you are, at anytime.

Personally I love lighting one candle in my tea-light, hymalayian Rock Salt holder. You can light as many candles as you want, put on some very soft, relaxing music, light your incense. Create that space that makes YOU feel; safe, positive and secure. Remember you are the one that is going to be attracting what you get through the board, not the other way around. You can have crucifixes around, rosaries, religious relics, anything you feel that will bring you protection. It is your intent that gives your items power.

So, we've prepared a sacred space where you will be contacting say your Spirit Guide. Start with any prayers you like, or you're comfortable with. Meditate, focus on your breath. Focus your energy into your breath and feel that going through your base chakra and up into your heart, let your heart open up, let it feel, breathe, see. Once you've put yourself into a slightly different altered state, go ahead and state your intentions. You could say something along the lines of this:

" I ask that only my Spirit Guide come through, only positive energies, for the greater good of all. "

You get the drift. Now you lightly place your fingers on the Planchette, call out, either in your heart or in words, to your ONE specific relative, Angel or Guide. Make sure to jot down any information you do get from the board. Video record yourself, or you can also use a tape recorder to record your session. The energy of the entity coming through is going to be VERY subtle. For some it may actually be pretty strong, others it may take years to even get the Planchette to move in just the slightest way. That's all OK! You have to remember that this tool requires paitence.

Don't second guess yourself, do not sit there thinking " it's just myself moving it ". Things like these are going to only set you back. If the Planchette starts to move in figure eight's, going through the numbers backwards, or even the alphabete, this is NOT NEGATIVE. Every-single entity has it's own " signature ". That is all that is, a spirit's signature, a thumb-print, just like your own.

Ok, so you've done your first Ouija Session by yourself and you got a bunch of gibberish. That's perfectly fine, again this is going to take time. You need this time to develope that trust with the one particular entity you are speaking with. Say you got a huge paragraph your first time ( very unlikely but possible ), research every-single thing you get through the board.

If you get anything that you might think is negative simply put the board away for that time. Say something like " thank you for your time and good bye ". It's as simple as that. Now, a lot of you will be saying " no you can't do this by yourself ", " no you are talking to demons, devils ". Wrong, you are not speaking with evil. Now if that is your intent you'll get what you ask for. Ending your session is pretty easy as well. Simply say something along the lines of " Thank you for all that I've learned, thank you for coming, I wold like to say goodbye now ". The Planchette won't always go to " Goodbye". If you feel the need you can push it down to goodbye, afterall you want to feel safe and not afraid.

If you feel tired or drained after a session you can also eat someting afterwards, ground yourself back down to earth. You can blow out your candle, incense, clean up your space and prepare in advance for your next session. I really wanted to write this blog for those that cannot find someone whom they can trust to use the board with. I started using it by myself at 8 years old, I've never had a bad experience. I didn't have anyone to use the board with, so I really feel it's important for those out there that want to Ouija alone, to know my tips and how I prepare a session and close one.

Remember, I've been using this tool for 20 years. You are not going to recieve the fast pace movement of the Planchette quiet yet. Then again you just might! Take your time, research, read, get familiar with the Board itself, face down those fears and always be respectful to those that come and speak with you.

I wish you all the best of luck!

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