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Snakeskin and Sin

My latest vision that I do believe came from Aphrodite, Venus, Pan, The Horned one. This one was super intense, highly energetic and very erotic in a softer tone.

I'm lying in my bed just thinking about the days happenings, conversations, inspirations, and insights from friends and family. I feel myself slowly start to drift off. When I do finally drift off it's like I'm taken from my body. I exit out of my crown Chakra, and I get taken up into the universe, a galaxy not of our own.

I'm in the gigantic room, filled with all sorts of lush fabrics, lacy pillows, almost like a tent in the middle east. The smells are so intoxicating, filling my nose and head with visions of the Goddess, love, friendship and mediumship. I find myself surrounded by a group of spiritual beings, dressed all in a very pink-white-rose colored robe.

My skull Legion appears in front of me, one of the spiritual beings places him in my lap, gently, respecting what I use Legion for and his purpose. I can feel the lace of the energy giving me goosebumps all over my body. The goosebumps explode with color, colors of the night sky, the phantoms in the night, the pale ones, so much energy came from these " goosebumps ", which I am sure is a metaphor for something.

Nothing is said in this vision, it's all feelings, emotions, sensations, smells, no voices, no telepathy. I'm sitting down now, in the middle of the woods, the visions changes. The ground beneath me, the Mother keeping me safe. Legion in my lap, everything feeling and smelling the same as before. The entire atmosphere and ambiance is still the same, yet the scenery has changed.

A tall man approaches me now, naked, with a black robe draping over his body. He has muscles of a Beast, no hair, dark blue eyes that glowed with a ring of green. Quite fare in his complexion as well. he comes up to me, presents a jar marked with the Sigil of Venus, from it he dabs his finger. I feel his finger pressing my forehead, I feel a warm liquid running down my nose. He tells me to keep my eyes closed, i do as he says, I feel safe and secure in what is happening.

His fingers dabbing into the jar, pressing it against my skin, I feel the liquid start to drip from my chest. I open my eyes and it's blue blood. The blood doesn't just look blue, it glows a blue glittered hue. It shimmers like a refraction of light off a rain drop. It's blood from something not of of a human nature. He stops now and puts a lid back on his jar marked with Venus. he's fading now, as he fades he smiles and his eye glow a soft red, then he slowly dissolves like a cloud losing it's life in the sky.

What a crazy vision eh? I cannot explain them! I have no idea what's trying to be expressed.

Note, picture above... Bird season is here.. it has been... don't take a life if you don't have to. It's not right. be a man and be kind... <3 your heart will get that girl, not your " obligation " to " prove " you're a man. for more information and on what you can do!

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