*Dream Man*
I lay in bed this morning half asleep half awake, eyes barely open, I know I need to get up and get ready but I can't move. It feels like...

The Ritual Night One ( Astral Work )
Last night I focused a lot of my work for the Ritual in the astral plane. My astral temple has moved now, a new one has came along,...

The Ritual " Sacred Sexuality and Honoring The Divine Within "
My entire intent for this ritual is to bring us BACK into our places of power. Those that have disenfranchised us, those that have...

Snakeskin and Sin
My latest vision that I do believe came from Aphrodite, Venus, Pan, The Horned one. This one was super intense, highly energetic and...

Casting The Compass Widdershins and Risky Photography!
So you are all probably wondering why I'm laying with a Ouija, half naked, with some pretty risky underwear on! That door that I've been...

Invocation Of The Witchmother
As noted in my video here is the Invocation to the Witchmother! " Come, infernal, terrestrial, and pale Hekate Goddess of the cross-road,...