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The Ritual Night Two (Sacred Sex Magick)

Last night was night two of " The Ritual " and it was amazing! So, I won't go and babble on you all I'll just get straight down to the point.... and so it begins....

I cast my compass, stang in both hands, antlers facing the ground. I walk thrice around my designated area intoning a " hisssssing " noise as I go around. The energy is literally crackling and snapping like the electricity running through a power line, right during a thunderstorm. It felt so amazing and so powerful. I made my intent perfectly well known while thrice walking my compass round. " All negativity inside of me I turn ye into positivity ", I chanted and chanted, I actually started to run out of breath as I continuously walked counter clockwise around and around.

Returning back to the East, where my altar is located I place the stang back down in the north. I stand up now, with my Ritual Robe on, opening it up and letting the Gods and Goddesses's see me bare, ready for them, ready for them to help bring about these changes that need to be made. I recite the invocation of the Witchmother. As I recited the words it was almost as if the Withmother herself was speaking through me. I could feel her breasts on the back on my shoulders, her hair on my back. She had such a gentle touch, loving and caring like that of a mother. Sensual, Sexual and powerful like that of a lover.

I now recite the Invocation of the Horned One, The Cunning Man, Pan, Old Horny. Still standing there, robe slightly covering my body, I " see " the Horned one in front of me. He looks very eager to be pleased. After the invocation he looks up at me and kisses me. He turns me around and holds my hands gently behind my back, where he places them onto his erect Penis.

The Goddess is now standing in front of me, Pan behind me, both rubbing me and caressing me. It was like I was in the middle of a celestial sandwich. Pan slides his erect penis into me, it's not an actual Penis though it's pure energy. As he slides into me I feel his energy explode with huge pulses inside. I can feel him throbbing inside of me still, it felt so good, so different.

Now they're both to the left of me. I start to sain my candle and my cord for this working. At this point from having Pan inside of me and The Goddess in the front of me, I am dripping with pre-secretions. Pan looks at me and tells me to go ahead and anoint my candle and cord with my fluids. I do so and he looks up and smiles at me once more. I then kneel down to present my candle to the Witchmother and Witchfather. Pan fully erect again comes straight up to me and places his Penis on my lips, in my mouth, he takes it and touches each of my shoulders, he rubs my throat chakra with it, next he massages my heart chakra, next he takes it, with pre-semen dripping from him, he makes a mark on my solar plexus. I feel a strange sensation in my base chakra again. I am now literally sitting on Pan's lap, facing him, riding him. He is smiling the entire time, thoroughly enjoying himself and pleasing me as well. He whispers in my ear " raise the energy, raise the energy and stroke me, let it be, stroke me, stroke me, the power is here take it back, it is me".

At this point the energy in my compass is so high, so magickal and beautiful. It crackles around in swirls of blue star dust. As I tie my knots in my cord, and intone the chant for each knot, I feel more energies come. I see to my left beings in robes of blue star dust. You can almost see their faces but you can't. Their faces are black, that like the night sky, with just a hint of a galaxy shining through. I'm not sure what these beings are or who they are, or even where they came from. I feel in my heart that they are very beneficial.

Now it all makes sense, I have my cord knotted up, Neptune crashes into my compass, coming up through the floor with quite the force! He looks at me, with a very stern look, he looks around at my working space and my workings. He smiles, he nods, he stands me up and takes me up into his arms. He gently hugs me and gives me a soft kiss on the forehead. Neptune's energy was not as sexual as Pan or Aphrodite. It was more of a sensual, slower moving energy. It was still quite intense. After seeing Neptune appear in my working space it made sense to me, these blue beings were with Neptune. My gut and something aside from my Higher Self told me " These are the Guardians that come with Neptune. Each one must come first before he enters, he is leery of some. "

Now the ritual is complete. My cord is complete, the Gods know my intentions, my candle is lit, burning and flickering like a small bonfire atop my altar. I sit there for just a while and I come back into myself, I bring myself back down to earth, back into the physical reality.

I take up a piece of bread, a cup of red wine, I sain the bread and drink, now I performed the houzel ( or red meal ). The red meal is a very sacred communion, sort to say. It connects us back to the earth, back to ourselves, it grounds us. After the red meal was complete it was time to take down the compass, soak the energy back up into myself. I take my dagger and move thrice, clockwise around my compass/working space taking all the energy back into myself and what was invited in, back into the cosmos, or to stay if they like.

I take the remainders of the red meal out to the old oak tree I have in my back yard. I proclaim the deceleration and offer the rest back to the land. " in this lies a mystery ". I return back to my working space, feeling amazing, refreshed, energized and quite sexually aroused. The energies were extremely sexual and so appeasing.

I sit back down in front of my altar and just focus on what I've just done, my working, what I'm changing and transforming in my life. All the negativity I know must go away but in the best possible way, I will find a way to transmute that into positivity.

So sitting there I get a few more visions. Quite sexual in nature yet again. I'm in this strange forest, the forest isn't actually a forest at all, it's a slew of trees, surrounded by even more trees, yet very small, YET big. If that makes sense. Aphrodite is lying on the ground, Pan is fanning her. They both look at me, Neptune as well, they gesture for me to come and joint them. Pan reaches out his hand and pulls me into him again.

I'm now sitting on Pan, riding him again, his energy continuously pumping into me, throughout my entire body. Aphrodite lays there as Neptune is caressing her breasts and hair. She looks at me and without saying a word I hear " This is the best part ". I now snap out of it and I am back in my physical body.

This gave me some inspiration. So, as I went to bed that night I took my cord, just had Pan had did in my vision. Wrapping it around my Penis, pleasuring myself, thinking of Pan and his amazing bursts of energy filling me up. I keep this going for about two hours. I feel the energy building up even more and more. I can hardly contain it any longer, I explode in ecstasy and lay there with the cord wrapped around me.

I remember Aphrodite telling me " this is the best part ". Now I know what she was speaking of. I anointed my cord once again with my bodily fluids. I set the cord in the cauldron to let it dry over night.

This was the most empowering experience I have ever had during a ritual. I have never in my life experienced a facet of Source so profound, so sexual and primal. I still feel that energy lingering today as I type this. Tonight is the very last night of the ritual. So, I do plan to do this one last time, to reclaim that power back, once again. Again to transform all negativity into positivity, only in the best possible way and for the greatest good.

What an incredible experience this has been. I really feel this is going to have some long lasting results. I am already seeing results myself! How are you all doing? Are you seeing the results yet ? Are you seeing any synchronicities? I would love to hear your stories, visions and experiences as well!

Below is the link to my video blog for " The Ritual " Night Two: Sacred Sex Magick

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