Carte gândurilor mele pofticioase
Fallen night has. The days worries still surround and shroud, clouding my vision of what lies within the shrouded mysteries of the night....

Energy Orgy
As my visions get stranger and more erotic, so do I in a way. So tonight's meditation and visitation was quite extraordinary. I'm outside...

The Ritual Night Two (Sacred Sex Magick)
Last night was night two of " The Ritual " and it was amazing! So, I won't go and babble on you all I'll just get straight down to the...

The Ritual Night One ( Astral Work )
Last night I focused a lot of my work for the Ritual in the astral plane. My astral temple has moved now, a new one has came along,...

Beltane Magick and Astral Visitation !
So, did you guys know that Beltane actually runs from March 30th-The Summer Solstice? Ancient pagan traditions have led us and shown us...

Ponderings & Sacred Ritual Acts
A really dear friend brought something up to me today regarding my recent possible seizure. Quite a while ago my grandmother came to me...

The Ritual " Sacred Sexuality and Honoring The Divine Within "
My entire intent for this ritual is to bring us BACK into our places of power. Those that have disenfranchised us, those that have...

Casting The Compass Widdershins and Risky Photography!
So you are all probably wondering why I'm laying with a Ouija, half naked, with some pretty risky underwear on! That door that I've been...

Spirit - Threads and Knots in Witch-Magick
For most purposes a nine-knot spell can be effectively employed by the contemporary witch. Whilst concentrating intently upon the...