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"The Ritual" Sacred Sexuality and Madness -Realizations-

Well ladies and gents our Ritual is officially over now. How did you guys like this ? What did you experience? During this period of the New Moon and Mercury Retrograde I've discovered a lot about myself, within my shadow self, things that need to be changed, balanced and transformed. The synchronicities were astonishing during this Ritual. Almost everyone that participated did in fact experience almost the same visions, sensations and visitations. Which in fact makes me super happy, showing how connected we all are.

This takes me back now to the Coffee-Table-Book-Project. I still feel very strongly about this project and hope to see it manifest sooner than later. I have gained a new respect for the Human body, Sex and self pleasure. I've seen people become totally disgusted over Sex Magick and Erotic Photography, especially here in the states. Where as in almost every other culture the pictures, thumb nails and art are just that, tasteful and works of art. Most cultures do have a strong appreciation for the human body and I admire that. I find it very liberating and freeing. How are these cultures so far ahead of us? Why can't we see a photo of a half naked person and see art instead of disgust.

I think the photographs are taking a turn for me at this point. Every one of my muses, my sources of inspiration have brought me up to this point, this conclusion. Nobody wants to see just a regular genital photograph, they want tastefulness, art, stimuli around the subject of the photo. From the research I've noted during this period of growth it's very clear to me that yes in fact, Sex does sell and very well here in the states. It might not be talked about as much but it's still the biggest seller next to horror.

Now I take a look back at myself, taking a step back and looking at the situation in a few different aspects. I feel the urge and push to continue the photographs, just not in the same fashion I have been doing them. I feel more objects need to be included within each photo, something to make it that much more special and artistic than the last one. I mean don't get me wrong I love to see a naked man or woman just as much as the next but what is the point of a photograph, bearing yourself for the world to see without a point?

I've realized some of my photos had made no sense at the time of taking them. Now they're making a lot more sense to me. I see within myself a growth, a change, some of it's not so positive but the positive does outweigh the negative within the circumstances. Everyone is just trying to find their place in the world and so am I. I've found my place and now more doors are opening up and more creativity flowing in.

I look back and now I see that with each picture there is such an empowering message. Take the dagger for instance, lying across my lap, or even the dagger with the snake right next to my leg. Can you guess the message? For me personally it speaks to me and in such a way that it comes out in words. That particular message in that photograph was something sexy at first, a very sexual photo. Now I look at it and I see the power of the male force in the universe. How dominant a man can be, how angry a man can get. Also how sexual men are in nature. I am in no way disenfranchising men, for I am one! I am simply stating a fact of what I've observed over a the periods of time I've posted these photos.

I still see a beautiful photograph here. We have the dagger or Athame representing the phallic symbol of the God, that is every where you turn in nature. The " V " in the opening of the legs would represent the Goddess to me personally and then we have the solar plexus and the base chakra. Each and every single stimuli in the pictures, the waves of the blade, the round ring, the round cuff, all work to compliment each other in such a fashion that is so beautiful. I am now seeing what I see in nature, in myself and that is an amazing realization.

Seeing how much of nature is within you, seeing how connected you are to the earth, the oceans, lakes and rivers. The forests, woodlands and cross roads. It all makes perfect sense and just goes to show how the Pentagram appears in nature naturally, so does every aspect of the human body. All parts of the body are shown in nature, the body's functions, our emotions, it's all a giant reflection of ourselves.

I am very excited to finally fully realize this and see it with my own two eyes. So, where am I getting at with all this? Well, I will sum it up very briefly. The more artistic photographs I see, the more I see US in nature and being connected to each and every thing on this planet. The entire point is sacred geometry, the sacredness of the body and how precious our Earth Mother is to us. I wanted us to take our power back from being told how " sinful " sex is or self pleasure. For me personally, I feel extremely more empowered and more comfortable being in my own skin. I feel more liberated, free and am finding even better ways to express my creativity.

I feel my magick is even stronger now. I feel as if I've exposed myself to the point of " shedding " layers of negativity off of myself. I feel as if my skin as become " thicker ", I feel stronger and over all I have more love and respect for myself and even more love and respect for nature and those around me. I do feel Mercury retrograde did play a part in this entire situation. The SUDDEN outburst of " Risky " photographs. The very sudden and VERY sexually explicit stories, visions and visitations, are all part of this.

I do feel as if I kind of just through it all out there at once and BAM, there it was! I do feel now when looking back, to what seems like a very very long time, which has only been about a month, to a few weeks that it all happened so quickly and so fast. I feel I kind of pushed my photography in people's faces and that I apologize for.

I still feel the need to express myself in such ways, yet not letting the imagery and sexual energy over power my everyday feelings, emotions, etc... I have found that during Mercury Retrograde and during the New Moon my sexual energy level is exceeding it's maximum. So I see here now, there is a need for balance.

I want my photography, stories, visions, and visitations to inspire creativity within your own self. I want it to elicit art and creativity, showing glimpses of my path, my craft within it.

The above photo you can see the sacred geometry that occurs within nature. The Male body, the " V " shape of the legs as the Goddess, the knot magick, the bath tub representing The Goddess, Aphrodite, the womb of rebirth and renewal. Even the piercings represent the sacred union of male and female or, male and male, female and female. Whatever your sexual orientation is, all is sacred and shown in nature.

I find it very funny and VERY synchronistic with P!nk's new video " Just Like Fire " for the upcoming Disney movie " Alice: Through The Looking Glass ". How many roles she takes on, how many different aspects of herself she is seeing within the movie itself, the imagery within the entire video is so profound and sacred. You see the sacred geometry yet again in that video as well.

I feel as if my creative process has been sort of in synch with that of her own. In ways that aren't too far from my own. Alice has been a theme lately, for the past few weeks, during the course of the new moon and Mercury in retrograde. A lot of us have been seeing these synchronicities as well. I'm still trying to put two and two together with the Alice theme and synchronicities popping up, and how it is relating to my own creative process.

She starts off by " hanging around " in her silks, she goes through the motions, taking on the different roles. The mad hatter, the red queen, the white queen, being a " pawn " on the chess board. The Sacred geometry within the chess board, the black and white, the movements, etc.. She then ends up being taken off to a mental institution, just as Alice did. So, this is still something that my mind is wrapping itself around. I draw my inspiration first and foremost from the FRIEND-BASE, which by the way is the best FRIEND-BASE in this entire fucking world. Secondly I draw my inspiration from the people that I admire and look up to as well.

Am I literally driving myself into madness? Am I driving myself into a " mental institution " ? Far from it. I feel as if these things are showing the thinning of the veil, just how close we REALLY are to that magickal side of life. The beauty and wonder in life. The beauty in nature. Most importantly the beauty and connection that we are all ONE.

So where is this taking me? Where am I going from here? I honestly do not know at this point. I know I'm still in the creative process. I do want to see the Coffee-Table-Book manifest into this reality. I do want to see my short film manifest into reality. I feel these things are going to be taking a turn, a spin, with some extra creative bursts and more inspirational sources.

I am really excited to see how things are going to unravel themselves. We've done our magick, we've had our Ritual to take our power back, to transform the negative into positive. I am ready to get creative! I'm so ready for NEW photographs, new stories, visions and visitations. I just need to learn one thing and this is balance.

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