Charging a Fetish (Mask Magick Outline)
My basic outline for crafting a mask to embody the archetypal energy of your chosen God or Goddess / Spirit / Angel / Demon / Daemon. ...

Invocation To The Holy Guardian Angel
This rite is designed to provide a short yet inspired working of Invoking The Holy Guardian Angel, from which one shall seek the...

Dedication of Lilith's Pendant
Here is a very simple technique that I was inspired to do, to Sain, or Bless a pendant and to dedicate it to the Goddess Lilith. Here is...

Ritual To Honor Lilith on The Full Moon
This ritual is a general outline for those that are wanting to join in on the Ritual for Lilith on the 21st of this month. It happens to...

"The Ritual" Sacred Sexuality and Madness -Realizations-
Well ladies and gents our Ritual is officially over now. How did you guys like this ? What did you experience? During this period of...

Ponderings & Sacred Ritual Acts
A really dear friend brought something up to me today regarding my recent possible seizure. Quite a while ago my grandmother came to me...

The Ritual " Sacred Sexuality and Honoring The Divine Within " *Updates*
Alright so " The Ritual " has been created, the date has been set ( which can be changed ), now it's time to see who's all going to...

The Ritual " Sacred Sexuality and Honoring The Divine Within "
My entire intent for this ritual is to bring us BACK into our places of power. Those that have disenfranchised us, those that have...

Spirit - Threads and Knots in Witch-Magick
For most purposes a nine-knot spell can be effectively employed by the contemporary witch. Whilst concentrating intently upon the...

Invocation Of The Witchmother
As noted in my video here is the Invocation to the Witchmother! " Come, infernal, terrestrial, and pale Hekate Goddess of the cross-road,...