The Beast ~A Short Story~

" The Beast "
The beast, he lives in me, he's a part of me, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the beast impregnating the fare maiden, pure and innocent, clean of hatred and instability. It's something that shakes you to your core. It makes your bones quiver, your heart race and then dumps down into the pits of hell, in your stomach. The beast makes himself known in many ways, shapes and forms.
The beast, he wakes in the early hours of the morning, before the sun rises, before the birds start to sing their songs and welcome the day. The beast, he finds solitude in the darkness and comfort. Comfort in his own diluted ways and old ways of thinking. The beast, he torments, he tortures, he mentally breaks you down until you question your own sanity.
The beast does his best at his skilled trade, his craft, his work. He is in fact a very good man, a sooth-sayer, cunning, wicked and good, all wrapped up into one. He makes his presence known throughout the mid-day hours, small signs letting me know he's still here, that he is in fact coming back to get me.
The beast has a twisted way of thinking. So corrupt, violent, arrogant, and just brutally vile. He will eat at you until he brain washes you into thinking his way is the only and one true way. The beast, is in every man and woman. Child and Mother. The beast is in you, the beast is in me. We are the beast.
Pacing frantically, across the laminated floors, making sure the beasts layer is in perfect shape. The feelings of dread and the overwhelming taste of vomit fill your mouth, your nose, all of your senses. Fearing the beast brings him closer to you. It makes him happy when he knows you're trembling in fear of him.
The beast finds delight in corrupting those around him. Taking his anger, hatred, guilt, and other mishaps in the beast's brain, out on the creatures around him. Making the Faye Folk feel smaller than they already are. Making the Wee Ones scatter, making the magick leave. The taste of fear is nothing to be afraid of but it's unnerving.
The beast takes pride in his darker workings, ever so much pride with that. If you're unhappy he is happy. If you are sick, the beast is healthy. If you are healthy and happy, the beast is sick and miserable. The beast serves to disenfranchise everything and everyone around him. Making them feel insignificant, unimportant and dis-empowered to the core. These are the things that he finds his happiness through.
The beast see's himself in his lower beast-like-associates. All the anger, hatred, negativity, all the vile and corrupted ways of thinking, he sees this in everyone. Picking and nagging at you, making you walk on egg shells. Making you feel as if you're a complete and utter failure. This is what the beast wants. He wants to see you fail, he wants to see you trip, he wants to see you break down. The beast bathes in this.
Lying alone in the apartment, the Wee Folk start to tremble even more as nightfall begins to embrace them. The beast's true face surly comes out when nightfall ensures. The beast's face changes, contorts and flares up. Turning bright red, nostrils flaring up like that of a raging bull. One more shot down for the beast. This is the beast's medicine, the beast's Doctor, Priest, and God.
The Wee Ones fear and fret all night, lumps building in their throats, knots in their belly's, tremors through their bodies. No Wee One should have to live like this. No creature big or small. The Wee Ones obey the Beast's wishes. They conform to his ways, only for the time being, that is. The beast will not win. The beast will not over power. It will not corrupt our minds, nor our hearts, nor take away what is sacred to us.
As the Wee Folk find comfort and solace in their own personal workings, friends, family and other beings, the beast sleeps. He sleeps but he is awake. For the beast never does really sleep does he? The wee Ones wake up to a brand new day. Only to start over again. The dread, the fear, the pacing of their small cottage. For they know the beast will return each night. And each night they sleep in fear, they eat in fear, they live in fear. Will the beast ever confront himself? Will this beast transform that Demon into a Daemon?
The Wee Folk hope so. The Wee Folk are very concerned about our well beings as humans. So, how can the Wee Ones find true peace, true inner peace, living with " The Beast ".

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