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Ritual To Honor Lilith on The Full Moon

This ritual is a general outline for those that are wanting to join in on the Ritual for Lilith on the 21st of this month. It happens to be a full moon, Mercury still in retrograde AND a lot of people's Birthday's are on this day, so what a better day to do this! We also have 3 days before, the day of, and 3 days after the full moon to soak in the energy of the full moon as well as Lilith.

I will note that Lilith is a very Dark Goddess, she is honored in very very dark traditions, mainly LHP, Luciferianism, Satanism, so on and so forth. So, since I am not that heavily into the utter darkness I am going to make things a bit, well a bit better, so everyone has space and room to add their own deities, spirits, Gods, Goddess's, you have room for creativity!

*Prep Work*

Prepare a vessel that you have found and dedicate it to Lilith. You can use any words, chants or rhymes you feel fit to bless and dedicate your vessel to Lilith. For example....

" Be thou consecrate and imbued with the hallowing might of the old ones. And increase to thy spirit by moon and sun and stars, sky and earth, water and fire! "

While this chant is intone 3 times take your left hand, ring finger, dab some saliva onto your finger and mark the vessel 3 times with an " X ". See a violet glow radiating within the 3 " X '' 's.

A simple glass chalice will work fine for this ritual, you can also find a nice jug, something earthen wear, or a nice silver chalice. You can also use red wine to paint the Sigil of Lilith on the vessel itself.

Above is the Sigil for Lilith. I myself have drawn this sigil on paper, anointed it with blood and mine has been consecrated to Lilith for quite some time. If you can get a nice bottle of cheap red wine, hop in the shower, wash the daily grime off and then pour the wine over your head. This pleases Lilith and ensures blessings upon her participants and followers. If you cannot for some reason drink, use any type of red drink, Kool-Aid works great ! Red sparking Cider! Now if you can't pour the red drink over your head, due to your hair, like me, take a sip from the bottle and let it trickle down your chin, down your chest, down your legs, thighs, down to your toes. Get out of the shower, dry off and put on a nice clean black robe, or something very sexy or comfortable that you feel is appropriate for this rite. Lilith does like her followers and participants to be nude underneath their garments. You are bearing all for Lilith. Now you are ready to begin your ritual.


1 white, black, or red candle

1 vessel dedicated to Lilith ( as described above )

1 bottle of red drink ( wine, soda, Kool-Aid, Etc.. )

The Sigil of Lilith

Parchment paper or regular paper

Red Pen ( or you can use your own blood to write your petition ).

Cauldron ( or fire safe dish to burn your petition in )

Ritual Cape/Cloak/Attire

Now that we have showered, prepared ourselves, dedicated the Vessel to Lilith we are ready to begin this ritual. Please feel free to add and remove what you wish! If you are not comfortable working with Lilith just work with whichever God or Goddess, Spirit or Entity that you are comfortable with.

Your working space should be very dark, Lilith loves the dark, she is the dark, she is the night! Make sure to have your space as dark as possible. Approaching your altar in your ritual attire, naked underneath, light the candles you have chosen.

Now you are ready to lay your compass. Picking up your stang or dagger start in the North and work your way around your working space three times making a " hisssssing " noise, as the Sacred Serpent coils up and connects you to the spiritual realms. Make sure you make your intent known for your compass. Returning back to the North, place your stang down and now turn back to your altar.

You can now proceed with the Invocation to the Witchmother and Witchfather, also inviting other energies in that you feel beneficial to your working, whatever it may be. For myself, I am going to use the following Invocation of Lilith.

"I am the daughter of Fortitude and ravished every hour from my youth. For behold, I am Understanding, and science dwelleth in me; and the heavens oppress me. They covet and desire me with infinite appetite; for none that are earthly have embraced me, for I am shadowed with the Circle of the Stars, and covered with the morning clouds. My feet are swifter than the winds, and my hands are sweeter than the morning dew. My garments are from the beginning, and my dwelling place is in myself. The Lion knoweth not where I walk, neither do the beasts of the field understand me. I am deflowered, yet a virgin; I sanctify and am not sanctified. Happy is he that embraceth me: for in the night season I am sweet, and in the day full of pleasure. My company is a harmony of many symbols, and my lips sweeter than health itself. I am a harlot for such as ravish me, and a virgin with such as know me not. Purge your streets, O ye sons of men, and wash your houses clean; make yourselves holy, and put on righteousness. Cast out your old strumpets, and burn their clothes and then I will bring forth children unto you and they shall be the Sons of Comfort in the Age that is to come."

After you have intoned this invocation in a very low key tone, really using your throat Chakra to ensure proper vocal pronunciation, sit down and meditate and relax for just a bit. Think of Lilith and what she means to you Think of what it is that you are wanting to accomplish through Lilith. Are there chains that you want to break free from? Do you need healing, health or money? It's up to you on your intention for the spell.

All your candles should be lit, you in front of the altar bearing yourself to Lilith. Her Sigil on the altar, near the back, by the candles you chose. Take our your petition paper and the red pen. Write out your petition. If you wish you can use a few drops of your own blood and dab it on the written petition. Fold the petition paper towards yourself, three times, you are drawing things to you, or if you are getting rid of things, fold it away from you three times.

Now it's time to raise the energy! You can do this in a variety of ways. You can intone a chant that you feel fit for Lilith, something you've wrote for her, something personal, meaningful and from the heart. Sex Magick is favored by Lilith. You can raise your energy this way as well.

Once you've raised your energy you are ready to direct it and focus it with your will, at your desired intent. See your request playing in your mind, feel the sensations of what it's like to have or not have what your petition is for. Get those feelings going big time. When you feel ready, take your paper and proclaim to Lilith what it is that you want, light a corner of the paper with one of the candles you have dedicated to her. Throw the paper in the cauldron and let it burn to ash.

You've just performed a very powerful and intense Ritual for Lilith! Now you can go ahead and " sweep " away your compass, or draw that energy/power back into yourself by walking clockwise three times around your space.

You can continue on and perform the red meal if you wish. This I will be doing. Keep the ashes from your petition and put them in your vessel dedicated to Lilith. Throw any remaining wine, drink, food, candle drippings into the vessel. Cover the vessel very tightly! Let this rot, let it ferment. Lilith loves rotting food and drink, all foul things of the earth. Keep your vessel in a place where nobody is going to find it.

Make sure to thank all of the energies, Thank Lilith, your Ancestors and any other beings you have invited into your compass. This is now a good time for divination, tarot, Ouija, or just meditation in general. Record your experiences, visions and thoughts.

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