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Dedication of Lilith's Pendant

Here is a very simple technique that I was inspired to do, to Sain, or Bless a pendant and to dedicate it to the Goddess Lilith. Here is what you will need.

1 Pendant that you wish to dedicate to Lilith

1 Red Rose Petal

Sterile Needle

Sigil of Lilith

Incense ( I used Musk )

1 small tea light ( I used a black one )

Sit down in front of your altar or wherever you designate your sacred space. Place the sigil of Lilith in front of you along with all of the other items. You can use the following to Hallow/Bless/Sain the items you are using.

" Be thou consecrate and imbued with The Hallowing might of the old ones. And increase to they spirit by moon and sun and stars, sky and earth, water and fire ! "

Take your ring finger on your left hand and make 3 X's with your own saliva on all of your items you are blessing. Envision a blue/violet hue within the 3 X's. Now pass your items through the incense smoke and through the flame of the candle, each three times. Your items are now blessed, hallowed and ready to use.

What I did was start out with the Charge of The Dark Goddess. Yes, the Charge of The Dark Goddess does include Hekate! I do feel they are one facet of the same " Diamond ". This is what I felt was the best for me to use. If you remember, this is the one I intoned during my recent video.

Take your pendant and hold it in your hands, create a rhyme or chant of your own that reminds you of Lilith, that intones her energy, something that will bring up that infernal energy, her raw and fiery power. A simple " I dedicate thee in the name of Lilith " is perfect! Use your imagination and creativity.

Now take your STERILE needle and prick the ring finger of your left hand. Place three small drops of blood upon the pendant. Lay the pendant down on the sigil of Lilith, take your mortar and pestle and grind up the red rose petal. The red rose petal SHOULD turn a purple/blood red color, almost the color of blood before oxygen hits it and turns it red. Sprinkle the crushed rose petal atop of the pendant, the sigil and your candle. Keep going with your rhyme or chant as you sprinkle the rose petal over your items.

You are now done! Let the small tea-light burn until it's spent, keep the Sigil of Lilith and the remnants of the rose petal. You can put them in a small bag or keep them near your working space for Lilith. Now comes the next step, if you are wanting to go the extra step and empower the pendant even more. If you have a partner, Sex magick works great for this, if not self-pleasure is absolutely fine.

Sit facing your altar, take a few deep breaths and start to visualize Lilith's energy coming up from the ground, swirling around you, see her energy, feel it, feel her! Get yourself into a sexual frenzy, use your imagination and start the self-pleasure process. As you please yourself think of Lilith, let her know you are doing this for her. Once you are about to climax focus your will and intent into the pendant. Let your bodily fluids cover the pendant, rub the pendant around your genital area, coat the pendant very well.

Let the pedant dry and let it dry very well. Now you have; Hallowed, Blessed, Sained and Dedicated your pendant to Lilith. This is how she came to me last night. I had presented the pendant to her within my Astral Temple, she approached me and looked at it with a very sexual glare. She looks up at me and says " I accept of this, let me see what you can do ". She instructed me to do the following blessings for her pendant and further instructed me to ejaculate on the pendant.

I looked at her and smiled, she knows I love sex magick. As soon as she had came to visit she was gone in the blink of an eye. The only person in my vision that was left was Jesus. He came up to me, this time he had small horns. He picked me up and hugged me and told me how much he loved me. I felt so at peace, so healthy, and loved. I was warm, I wasn't cold, I felt great and not sick.

I hope you all enjoy this small blog and blessing of the pendant of Lilith!

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