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Energy Orgy

As my visions get stranger and more erotic, so do I in a way. So tonight's meditation and visitation was quite extraordinary. I'm outside back by the pines again, where all the Rituals take place. This is my temple, a place for these wild forces to meet and greet.

I'm naked, in a clearing, my compass, in the middle of my pines. Jesus descends down to me in human form, looking so fine. Masculine, strong, sweating. He has his white robe on as always, this time all the way open. I see his muscles glistening, his cock moving and swaying, he's rock hard.

Around 8 other energies, or beings, came to this clearing. They all looked the same. They were all men, each SLIGHTLY different than the man in front of me. This energy picks me up and slowly slides me on his cock, he's grabbing my ass and massaging himself into me. He looks me in the eyes and tells me that it's ok, I'm his child.

He tells me to stand up now, sliding me up off his cock slowly. He looks at me and smiles as I feel his cock throb inside my ass. I stand up and he does the same, he's much taller than me, he grabs my head and makes me drink his God like fluids. I keep drinking it, it tastes so good, it pours out of his cock like liquid Silver.

I keep drinking for such a long time, sucking on his cock. it throbs so hard down my throat, he gags me with it, I love it too and he knows it. He stands me up and levitates me in mid-air. He starts to eat my ass. I feel his huge tongue sliding and sucking my tight hole. He tightens his tongue and digs even deeper, licking and sucking, moaning while he does so.

Now Lilith comes down. I see her, she sits on my cock. Thrusting my rock hard cock into her Vagina. It's so tight, so warm, I moan so loud. She makes me, forces me to scream her name in vain. " Lilith!! " I scream. She makes me cum inside of her. I keep cumming for hours, liquid blue is what it looks like. I stay inside of her for quite a while. The tightness of her Vagina, fucking her, hearing her moan while she rides her slave.

All of these beings have their ways with me. In the very end Pan is standing above me, cumming on me, blessing me with his juices. He gets down and massages his secretions into my body. He kisses my cock, my balls, licks and sucks me once again. He leaves me and tells me I belong.

I really do love honoring Pan in this fashion!


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