*Dream Man*

I lay in bed this morning half asleep half awake, eyes barely open, I know I need to get up and get ready but I can't move. It feels like there is someone or something hold me down to the bed. I know in fact I am awake. I open my eyes, look around at everything, I can just barely move my head up to see around me but I do. So, I do know I'm not in the half asleep half awake stage. It was quite early as well, in between times is what we like to call it. The times when different beings come out to play, frolic, cause havoc or just to stir up a little trouble.
Nothing seemed to be of a negative nature or vibration, so I just continued to lay there with my eyes half opened. I closed my eyes for a second and felt the same energy pushing me down, back into the bed like it didn't want me to get up. At this point it felt sort of sensual, I felt the Kundalini start to rise in my base chakra. It's warm, fuzzy, it feels like someone had hit my G-Spot in my ass and put me into an instant state of euphoria. The energy around my base chakra kept pulsing and throbbing, like a rock hard cock pumping blood throughout itself. I lay there just soaking in this energy. Letting it fill the bottom half of my body up. It's so warm yet cool, giving chills running up and down my spine. I start to feel goosebumps on my ass cheeks and all up and down my legs. Something is in bed with me, or someone.
I continue to lay there, in total euphoria letting the chills, the sensations and energy rise up into the middle of my stomach. It feels so good and again the warm/cold sensations accompany this force. Right above my now throbbing, rock hard-cock I feel this energy increase and expand into my pelvic chakra. It feels like warm cum pouring out of someone's dick, right onto my stomach, I just lay there and enjoy, not fully sure what is actually going on. I still know it's not negative but I'm not sure just what it is yet.....
The energy continues to fill my pelvic chakra. Still feeling like warm cum, filling my belly button, running off the sides of my stomach. I keep my eyes closed still, just enjoying the entire situation and visitation. It's not making any sense to me, I am not seeing anyone or anything at all. I open my eyes completely to see what or who is in bed with me, nobody is in bed with me but myself. I decide to close my eyes once again and just go with the flow, enjoy the experience and see what happens.
The second I close my eyes I feel this energy right back on top of me. This time it has more of a " feel " and " figure " to it. I can " feel " it with my mind. It's something quite profound to feel something with your mind. Ever since the Super New Moon, The Ritual to Lilith, the Shadow-Work that has been going on, all of these amazing visitations are reoccurring. New outlets of creative expression are giving way and opening up. When you can see that door, you can feel that knob, the handle in your hand, wanting to twist and turn it but you can't get it open. That's where I am, the creative process. Which, is in fact, a total cunt.
Still " feeling " this force or energy with my mind, on top of my body now breathing on me heavily and profusely, I inhale it's breath repeatedly, like it's air. The second I got a taste of " it's " hot breath, smelling like that of a man, possible cigarettes and whiskey, I completely gave in. That's the second I let myself go and longed for his breath even more. " It " has my legs slightly spread apart, " it " between them. I feel a male presence now. It's definitely a male energy, still not knowing what EXACTLY it is, but it's male. I can feel his hairy legs rubbing on the inside of my thighs. His bulge rubbing against mine. He has both of his arms firmly planted on each side of me, hands grabbing the bed.
He starts to breathe again, this time he starts breathing on my belly button. I feel this intensely wild and raw energy shoot straight into my belly button, my stomach, my solar plexus. It again feels like the thickest, sweetest ambrosia of the Gods. I feel my solar plexus swirling with energy, in my mind it looks like almost like a sun flower. I feel my breath begin to slow and I slip into a trance mediumship state. Now in this state I am about 85% aware of what is actually going on. It's not a fully conscious thing I do. When I trance channel sometimes I will forget the entire thing, I may remember bits and pieces, it's all up to the process, I let it guide me and I never doubt it. The results.... always astonishing and rewarding.
Now it's just this gorgeous man and myself standing near the beach. I have no idea where we are, all I know is it's the most absolute epitome of beauty. The waters are such a deep blue, like an Azule blue. The sand between our toes feels incredible, it doesn't even feel like sand it's like standing in flour. Gigantic rocks in the form of different Gods and Goddesses surround the small beach we are at. Most of these statues look like something from Easter Island only a bit different. These statues are much more phallic, sexual and sensual. Each one has a giant quartz crystal pyramid on top of the head. The way these statues are positioned and the way the quartz are positioned atop their heads, wherever the sun may be in the sky, the beams radiate through each crystal and form a perfect Pentagram in the very center of the water. There's a small secluded beach in the middle of these waters, the man with me acts as if we are supposed to journey over to the smaller island.
The man that has accompanied me on this journey, or this energy, this " it " I have been referring to is some sort of Angel. He has the figure of a body builder, a sexy as hell crew cut, and his wings are pure white. He's not Lucifer, as I wished it was but someone different, I'm still not sure who he is. He stands naked beside me, he grabs my hand and he embraces me. I fall into his arms and instantly fall deeply in love with this man. His eyes are the color of the Ocean, Azule Blue. He has the longest eye lashes, as he looks at me and bats them, he looks over to the island. I don't want to let go, I don't want to fall out of his embrace, or even fall from his good grace.
I grab on to him even tighter, which I assumes he lights, his members grows within seconds of biblical proportions. His cock is even perfect. Everything about this man is perfection. I feel him hold on to me tighter as I grab on to him tighter. Before I knew it we were hovering above the Azlue waters. It felt so amazing and other worldly just floating with him. Like when you stand up too fast and you feel like you're falling, imagine that only in reverse. Such an amazing sensation. I could have blissfully floated with him in his arms for eternity.
Floated isn't even the right word of what he had done, the acts he had performed. I'd say it's more of a levitation. It felt that good, that amazing. He levitates us gently as ever to this small secluded island, in the middle of the Azlue water's. This is where the Pentagram is created by the reflections of the crystals atop the heads of the statues on the other side of the island. This island is very very small.. The only thing here is; a stone altar long enough for a person to lay on, giant stangs with dildos hanging in between them, all representing the duality within all of us and nature. The sand is white and still feels like flour, like that on the other side of the island.
The Pentagram that is being reflected onto this island we're now on, vibrates a blue-green color, with a hint of violet. You can almost feel it pulsating, giving off it's own energy if you get close enough to it. This man still has yet to reveal his name to me, it's like he is keeping it from me on purpose, he has some sort of ulterior motive and I'm not sure what yet. Still not feeling threatened or negative at all. I follow what he has me do.
He picks me up into his gigantic, God-like arms. I see and feel his muscles beneath my neck and the backs of my legs. I feel a hand slip up to my ass and gently massage me, prodding around a finger or two. I thoroughly enjoy the roughness to his tone, his texture. His physique is what you'd picture Thor as. Although this isn't Thor, bar far. This man is gentler.
He gently places me on the stone slab altar, very oblong, jagged but smooth over jagged edges. It's got a very Stonehenge hint to it once on the actual altar itself.... He now tells me he's going to play. He say though, that he's very serious in his playing, so don't NOT take what he's giving me.
He straps my arms back and down to the cold slab. He chains them, kisses me so softy and sweetly, breath still smelling of whiskey. He moves down to my chest and starts kissing me all over, kissing my nipples, biting my nipple rings, the chills and sensations are alien. His teeth are so white they're 3D.
He starts kissing down my stomach now, down right to my pelvic bone. I feel cold straps go across my sunburned ankles. He's chaining me to the stone altar fin such a seductive way. He grabs his black leather mask and fingerless studded gloves, puts them on and takes a large dagger, he scratches me just barely. Only enough to scratch 6 small sigils into my skin. All the marks on my stomach.
I'm in such a frenzy now, he has me going crazy. He's turned into a Master. The horned one. Yet he's still this man and not the horned one. I feel him get on top of me, he leans down and kisses me, he says he's going to Initiate me. I agree to his proposal.
I feel him on top of me, his balls slapping my stomach and chest as hard as he can, he's moaning and stroking his huge dick. He's chanting as he strokes, words of power. He has a very Baphomet-look to him now. He keeps moaning and stroking. The more he does the bigger he gets, he's at about 14 inches now.
The Pentagram around us rises up as the energy within our compass grows from his sexual advances. I love seeing him servicing himself right on top of me. I wait for him to blow on me but he won't yet. He gives me 5 kisses on each of the sigils. He returns to jacking himself off. I enjoy watching this beauty master his cock.
I see his dick start to throb and he starts to moan. I grab his balls and he starts to get even larger, he's gotta be at least 17 inches now. He's moaning so loud, I'm squeezing him, he's jacking me off, playing with my mushroom. rubbing his saliva around it with the palm of his hand.
We both are about to explode in pure pleasure. I look up at him and he asks me if I'm ready to join and I said yes. I am ready, he smiles and we continue jacking each other off. I feel him swell so big, I swell as he moans and I moan. We both bust at the same time. He pours his juices onto my chest and into the sigils. The sigils glow and so does his cum.
The Angel-God-Like man lets me drink from his cock like a fountain. I let him fill me up both in my mouth and in my ass. He loves every minute of as much as I do. He tells me I'm ready. Now he licks me clean. Every inch of me from head to toe. His tongue is huge, sucking on each part of my body. He gets up and un-chains me. He pulls me up from the table and turns directly back into the man he was before he turned into this creature.
He smiles and we disappear. I open my eyes now and realize I'd been dreaming the entire time. I had fallen asleep for 5 minutes.