Spirit - Threads and Knots in Witch-Magick

For most purposes a nine-knot spell can be effectively employed by the contemporary witch. Whilst concentrating intently upon the purpose of the spell nine knots are tied at regular intervals along the cord or thread whilst the following chant is intoned:
" One to start the spell upon
Two to pull the magick through
Three to rouse it mightily
Four for power strong and sure
Five to bring the spell alive
Six the magick might to fix
Seven for the secret leaven
Eight to turn the web of fate
Nine the hidden spell I bind ! "
For works of clairvoyance, dreaming and psychic visions use a blue-green thread and work upon a Monday.
For works of law and justice and all kinds of contests, trials and tests use a crimson thread and cast the spell on a Tuesday.
Deep blue thread should be used on a Wednesday in spells concerning wisdom, intellectual skill, inspiration and prophecy.
For matters concerning oaths, ruler ship, maintenance of order, defense, strength and defeat of inimical forces use a purple thread on Thursday.
Love spells, works of veneer, erotic magick and fertility are worked with an emerald green thread upon a Friday.
The sinister black thread is employed in spells concerning fate, initiation, curses and darkness and is used on a Saturday.
In spells for wealth, gold, healing, and happiness the witch must use a saffron yellow thread on a Sunday.
The knotted cord when fully empowered is worn upon one's person if intended to effect the personal self or placed in proximity to the target of the spell.
A more generalized color system for Chord magick consists of three basic hues.
White- Matters of wisdom, mind, light, spirit and sovereignty.
Red- War, Courage, Strength, and defense, might.
Green- Fertility, exorcism, pleasure, abundance, and wealth.
The whole subject of thread-lines, mazes and cords as spirit-roads and Ghost-Traps is in reality a very deep field of study which has innumerable ramifications and facets in Shamanistic and magickal praxis. The use of threads in witch-spells is merely one aspect of this lore of Spirit-Movement. :
" Twist ye, twin ye, even so
mingle thread of joy and woe "
( Italian Spell quoted in C.G. Leland's Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling. ) ~ 1891