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Ponderings & Sacred Ritual Acts

A really dear friend brought something up to me today regarding my recent possible seizure. Quite a while ago my grandmother came to me in a completely different form. Her form was not hers. She looked like the Crone only even THAT much more beautiful. She told me that she was ascending. She also told me that she'd still be around and still be here with me all the time. After that I was pretty uncertain about this entire ascension thing she was talking about.

You all know how much I admire and look up to my Ouija Queen. So quite a few nights after my Ganny had came to me and told me all of this, The Ouija Queen held one of the most astonishing Ouija Sessions ONLINE! My eyes lit up, my heart was filled with joy, I was so happy. Well, the entire thing began and I threw my question about my Ganny ascending.

To sum up the entire message in a nut shell, goes something like this....

* The Message *

" You already know what is going on with me, you already know what is going on with you. Fear not! Fear not! We all ascend on the other side. Fear not. "

That's the message in it's entirety, well in a nut shell. So basically what I got from the message and from The Ouija Queens own interpretations, alongside her board partner's interpretation, EVERYTHING made sense and came together! All the synchronicities were there, right under my nose the entire time. I just needed THAT reassurance that what I felt/heard/saw was going on with my Ganny and myself, was really going on and not just a figment of my imagination.

The way The Ouija Queen and her Board Partner went back and forth discussing each person's question, and the answers to the questions that the spirits gave, were PHENOMENAL! It gave me a totally different view on what was going on. The way they could sort of " step out " and take a look at the query from a LOT of different views was incredible. That summed it all up for me right there. I am going through the same thing as my grandmother. Only I'm alive and she's on the other side.

What am I getting at with all of this ? Well, through all this research, reading and brain storming for " The Ritual ". Looking up and reading books on Sex Magick, Sacred Sex and the divine makes perfect sense to me now. Me " coming out " of my " shell " sort to say, with the photos, the risky " Ritual ", The sexual energy, the beings that pay me visits at night, everything that has been going on sexually within myself, the exploration is a part of my very own ascension!

Yes, I thought this was complete none-sense at first, me ascending? Yeah, right, no way in hell will that ever happen to me. Well, I do believe it is happening to me. I do believe that I may have NOT had a seizure. If I did have one I believe that it MAY have been caused from the ascension process. I'm not an expert on this type of thing. I only know what I am told through my Guides, through trusted friends and reputable resources.

Mind you this is just a random blog, thought bubble, with purpose, I am sure though! I can't say for certain that this is what is happening, so time will only tell. First and foremost! I will be getting medical advice from my Primary Physician. I must rule out all possible, mundane explanations before I can even dip my toes in this any further. So, to all of my WONDERFUL and amazing friends YOU all will be notified on the results!

Now if this is part of the ascension process, the intense sexual energy, the sex drive, the visions becoming stronger, the spirits coming to me even more, they're more clear, more vivid! I may just write a book on MY sacred sexual practices. I do believe this to be a door that has been opened, like I've said many times before that is not going to close. It's like a flood-gate that's been slowly pried open and then with full force exploded.

I have quite the ideas in mind for the upcoming " Ritual " as well, I just don't know IF I should do the things I am thinking of? First off I was thinking of doing a Micro-Short-Film about " The Ritual ", leaving out the most obvious parts that are not suitable for YouTube. Yet in some odd fashion weave it into the Micro-Short subliminally.

I've even thought about doing a mock Ritual to put up as my first short, yet I want the actual ritual to be seen. So how does one go about producing, filming, editing a ritual into a video of such a nature? This ritual just seems so sacred and dear to me. Maybe it's the change happening? Every ten years everyone's body changes. Or could it be the ascension process?

I've even thought about a very " Risky " Coffee-Table style book! I've thought about a private Video and then releasing it on DVD. I've thought about taking my idea and asking film making friends what they think! All these insecurities within myself have suddenly risen up!

So, for now, with " The Ritual ", I am going to just go with the flow. I am not going to force anything on myself that I know I cannot handle or keep under control. I don't want another insane Servitor created through acts of self-pleasure, that I have to keep and maintain for the rest of my life ( lol not really ). So, when we all do this ritual let's see how it goes. Maybe we can all discuss a possible Micro-Short or a Book of some sorts to come?

All in all, the sexual energy, the ascension process, my Grandmother's own ascension in her heavenly dimension, the risky photos, the sudden interest in health and fitness, fashion and art. These are all to me so sacred and things I need to work on within myself. Pondering back on the reading when my grandmother did come through for the Ouija Queen, it just kind of all clicks for me now. Things are finally falling into place, taking shape and form. I can see my own will taking form in the physical world.

" The possibilities really are endless " said a very wise woman and that they are. I never thought in a million years that I would be doing what I LOVE to do for a living, today, in this modern day and age. It's just so astonishing to see everything come into play and take form. I am ready for whatever it is that Source has in store for me. I hope you ALL find that love and peace within your hearts. Go to bed tonight with YOURSELF and LOVE yourself. Wake up HAPPY tomorrow, knowing you are going to have WONDERFUL opportunities coming your way. And most of all always know that there is ENOUGH for everyone in this universe!

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